Friday, November 30, 2007

Poor Kitty...

I'm sure I've blogged about Minette's obsession with water but this one really takes the cake. Minette has a thing for drinking out of water glasses. I had a water glass which was about 1/4 full on my desk next to my laptop. While reviewing for neuropath, Minette decided to have a drink. She and I know full well that she can't reach the bottom of the glass so I let her try (still kinda keeping an eye on her to make sure she doesn't spill... water and laptops don't mix).
Somehow today she managed to get her head in the glass and drink! Being it was incredibly cute, I tried to take a picture but while turning my laptop to face the cat and water glass I must have hit something and it startled her. She lifted her head which was stuck in the glass, poured water all over herself, jumped back in surprise and fell off my desk with the glass still on her head, shook off the glass of water and ran a few steps and then sat there, stunned looking at me laughing my head off.
After I finished laughing (this took a few minutes) picked up Minette and dried her with my sweater. Poor thing was soaking. But it was way too funny. Poor Minette. It's not nice of me to laugh at her misery.

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