Friday, November 30, 2007

Neuropath and headaches

So I've got yet an other neuopath midquarter tomorrow. On Wednesday in sport treatment class we worked on the upper limbs and this included work around the upper trapezius muscle. My upper trapezius and the muscles around it (mostly levator scapula and supraspinatus) are filled with latent trigger points. The key word here is latent... essentially they're like sleeping dragons. It's best to keep them that way, not to piss them off cuz when they wake up then they cause a horrible mess. Alas, you've guessed it... they got worked on and ever since Wednesday I've had a horrible headache. I know it's a trigger point/tension headache because it's all along the referral pattern for the trigger points that were activated. What makes it go away? Nothing. Time. Stretch and ice probably would because it's an indirect way of treating them. Right now my neck is so sensitive that even my bra straps make my head ache even more. Bleh! Oh well I know for next time.
This has made it impossible to study! I can't focus. I get sidetracked so easily and when I try to think it hurts... Anyways I've got to find a way to buckle down and study because neuropath has been giving me a really hard time (which is why I always blog about it because I'm always studying it and trying to understand it).
Ok now that I've whined, maybe I can study. Or maybe I'll go to bed and wake up at 3am. My headache doesn't seem to start until later in the morning anyways (well 9am later).

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