Monday, November 12, 2007

Changes and good music

Last night while trying to fall asleep, I was thinking of homework and how I can be more effective at doing it. Something that I find rather frustrating is my itty bitty study space. Then I had a thought (it happens)! When board exam study time comes around, I should move my study space from the basement kitchen to my little massage area. It'll be in an area with less traffic and I'll be able to put an other desk next to mine for more space. Then the wheels were turning and i thought about how I can do it, where I can get a new table... you know stupid thoughts that just keep you awake.
Now while studying this afternoon (because it took me forever to get going today, I just wasn't motivated! I was sick too so that didn't help things) I decided why shouldn't I just do the switch now? I don't really see that many clients and the ones I do see I can massage in the living room. When I told Stephy about my idea, he said I could use his desk. He doesn't need it because he's no longer in school. He also said he'd help me. When a break time rolled around (we got together and did the swap). I am so happy with my space! I can spread things out and I don't have to use my lap as a book holder (my neck is thanking me already). I'm so happy in my little space that I even studied until 11pm (which is unheard of! I am usually in bed by 10 and up with the birds - or before - to study).
On a completely different note, I added links that I felt deserved mention. T. Nile and Elaine Ryan. Now you've all heard about Tamara and how awesome her music is but I hadn't put up her link yet. Elaine Ryan is an other folk/acoustic/blues artist. When I first heard her music it was back sometime in late spring, when I met Eric for the first time at Granville Island. We were supposed to meet at the main busking area, in front of the french bakery but there was a mix up and Eric was at the courtyard. It worked out because we did end up meeting and I got to listen to Elaine Ryan's music while I was waiting. Her music was absolutely amazing! So good that I bought her CD right then and there. Since then I've been enjoying her music and it wasn't until earlier this week that I thought I should go see her play. I don't think my monthly live music fixes are enough.
Ok bed time now. SO tired!

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