Monday, March 17, 2008


gy·ne·col·o·gy (gn-kl-j, jn-, jn) n.

The branch of medicine dealing with health care for women, especially the diagnosis and treatment of disorders affecting the female reproductive organs.

Finally my appointment date has arrived. It's tomorrow and I can't help but feel slightly nervous. Fortunately over the course of the past few years I've gotten to know my gynecologist very well. She's a very nice lady that is very respectful and doesn't crack jokes while doin her thing. I appreciate that as it's uncomfortable enough as it is. Plus I never know whether I should take my socks off or not. I mean when undressing from the waist down I always take off my socks but it's really not necessary when going to the gyno. It also kinda looks silly. Ah well!
The only thing that has me slightly nervous tomorrow is that after the colposcopy if the Dr. sees that there might be something abnormal she will take a biopsy of my insides. Let me tell you this is not fun. But then again it's a total gamble! I've been in for a colposcopy 3 times, 2 times which warranted a biopsy. All times the results came back negative for what ever they were searching for. I have been feeling very healthy lately so I am hoping that this time around it won't be needed. There's nothing worse then feeling that quick ouch and then seeing a bit of you floating around in a little cup on the table. Kinda makes ya think the poor guy will get lonely in there.
Anyways all of this to say I am nervous for tomorrow only cuz I want to keep what's inside me on the inside. Fingers crossed that everything will go well tomorrow and there will be no abnormalities.

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