Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Great Lake Swimmers - Your Rocky Spine

Ok so the video finally showed up! And when it did, it showed up 4 times! Woah nelly! Ok so it's wednesday night, 12:51am and I am pretty tipsy/drunk. How the fuck did this happen. Ok so i went to a burlesque show. My frist ever! MY GOD were the ladies good! And HAWT! Chera fucking rocked! Hopefully this year she'll have the confidence to do the Underwear Affair in her panties. :) Vicki and I then proceeded to the Cascade. We drank, ate and talked about life. I was reminded that Eric and I broke up at the cascade over dinner. Ok well it was before we ordered dinner and we lost our apetite. I still think breaking up with him was stupid but hey. Now it's a good thing... I think. He's a good man. And I'm pretty sauced. And I have a mid term tomorrow. And you know you're a noobie at drinking when u post that ur drunk of fbook and your friends call you to congratulate your drunk ass on being drunk on a wednesday before a midterm. Ok time to sleep cuz tomorrow I have class, midterm and then clinic and won't be home until 10:30. Who's idea was it to go out and have fun?!

1 comment:

Frank said...

I hear burlesque shows are fun! Never been to one, but I wanna check it out. Nothing like getting sauced before an exam, good luck ;-)