Friday, April 13, 2007

Rainy day

Well the rain is back. It's been a long time since I've seen it this gloomy. I guess this is good because I won't be tempted to go play outside... studying will look a little more appealing.
School has been good... Our new classes seem interesting and our new teachers as well. One seems like a hard ass... but that isn't always a bad thing. I tend to learn better from hard ass teachers because I tend to pay more attention and work harder. That is always a good thing.
Today we have clinic again, and oddly enough, I am looking forward to it. I'm also looking froward to the weekend... only one more day to go.
Oh! Maja and I got tickets to go see 42nd Street the musical :) I am quite excited because I've seen this one before and I've really enjoyed it. Sure it's hardly comparable to the Phantom of the Opera but it's still a good one. Yep I'm the type that likes musicals and plays and all them froofy girly things. And now being I don't have a bf (he hasn't even called me about the key thing... I might txt to see whether he's gotten them or not) I can spend my going out money on things that I wouldn't do otherwise.
Well I best get studying... I did wake up at 5am to study not to dick around (which is what I've been doing for the past two hours... oops). Trying to get a head start on this term... I tend to procrastinate too much.

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