Thursday, April 19, 2007

It's a good day :)

So today's a good day :) Maja and I were full of piss and vinegar before school even started. I am sure the starbucks didn't help the situation :) It was cute cuz as we were leaving starbucks, a group of construction guys said "adios fleur" (I am sure I miss spelt that... I think it was Spanish. Translates into goodbye flowers)... Construction guys are always good for a confidence boost :P First class at school was uneventful. Always hard to sit in class when all you want to do is goof off... Maja and I then went for lunch at Timmy's Hoes and as always I was unimpressed with their sandwiches (looking forward to having the kitchen back so I can make my own lunch again). We walked back to school and enjoyed the sunshine. We made plans to go hiking this spring and summer and also head out to the islands for weekends (Salt Spring on our long weekend... Bowen island for a day for a walk and kayaking... could be fun :) ).
Our afternoon class was with my scary teacher... she's awesome :) We learnt techniques to do with people that have headaches. One of the techniques was cervical spine unwinding - this is where the therapist guides the guest/patient into going through the motions that their body wants to go in, in order to release tension in the cervical spine / neck region. While this is quite beneficial, as the therapist it's really difficult to do because you have to quiet your mind so much so you can feel what the guest's body wants to do. It's really amazing when you can get to this place. Initially Maja was resisting my movements a bit (I was the guest, she was the therapist) but I kept pushing into her hands and whether she was aware of it or not, we were able to get an amazing release. Maja said I looked like the exorcist or something like that... it's really quite neat to watch a body unwind. Initially Randy - the dean of our program - and Jody - a teacher - showed us a full body unwinding... it's actually kinda scary because the body twists in positions that your conscious mind would never let you do. It's hard to explain. You just have to experience it. Anyways now my neck feels freaking amazing (and it was in quite a bit of pain lately)!
When I got home I had a package from Amazon :) It was my DVD the fire within :) This is the DVD of the making of Varekai a Cirque du Soleil show that came to Vancouver last summer and that I went to see with my cousin Michelle. The show was stunning (as any other cirque du soleil show is)! Michelle and I were so excited that we couldn't sleep and stayed up until the wee hours of the morning trying our hand at contorting our self into neat positions (somehow not as flexible as the people in the cirque... oh well we had a good time anyways). Anyways I got this DVD because in this one act, there are two brothers (or twins) that do this really neat flying act... anyways they are SO FINE... both of them (the pic is of them doing their thing)! Michelle and I laughed that one day we'd get the DVD and watch them over and over again... so that is what I did :) Sadly Michelle is in Winnipeg... but she's thinking of coming over this summer, so we'll able to have a Varekai night revisited :)
I also just checked my fundraising page and I surpassed my fundraising goal by $15! So now I've raised a total of $1 015!!! I am very psyched about this :) Anyways I've bumped up my goal to $1 500 and so hopefully I'll be able to meet that and maybe even surpass it.
In 20 minutes my Canucks battle the Stars and they are going to KICK the stars' asses! Cuz we're just that good :)

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