Monday, April 9, 2007

People in Maui

My trip wouldn't have been what it was if it wasn't for the people that I traveled with and the ones I met along the way.
Though I was a little unsure about traveling with two girls that I already spend the majority of my time with, it wasn't bad at all :) I think they are the ones that made this trip so special. They were comfort when I felt lonely (if they weren't there, there were kitty cats at the hostel that I could cuddle :P). Sure we did have our times where we were distant from each other but I think it was for our own sanity in the end. Simon said that you really learn what your friends are like when you travel, and I see the truth in that. Though sometimes it wasn't easy, I feel like we've grown closer and appreciate each other even more.
The people at the hostel were totally awesome as well! I think if it wasn't for some of the talks that I had with the guys, I wouldn't have been able to heal as much as I did during this trip. It's so refreshing to talk to real people that are so... well real and honest. It sure made me miss traveling hearing all these wonderful stories about other people's travels and adventures... less then two years and I can leave to travel again. We will see where life takes me but I am hoping away from here...
Daniella was a hoot :P she is from Switzerland and she was brave enough to come with the three musketeers to little beach. I am sure it was overwhelming to travel with us, certainly when there's a little bit of a language barrier. But we had an awesome time :) We built gorgeous George and she took photos of us with him... that evening when we got back to the hostel we drank tequila and other things with her and the rest of the hostel crew and well you'll have to see the photos... As she walked off that evening, she took her two bottles of Smirnoff ice and turned around to face us and as she lifted both bottles she said "for breakfast"... :) I am sure you had to be there but even now it makes me smile. She'll be in Van for 2010 so hopefully we'll get to meet up again at that time.
Marcio (aka Brazillian Romeo) was very nice as well. Maja was off with him a few time but towards the end of the trip, we got to spend some time with him as well. The rides to different places and everything else that he did for us was greatly appreciated. He was just a fun person to have around :)
An other person that made my trip what it was, was Shawn. Yet an other traveller from the hostel, he was always there to talk to and for hugs. There arn't too many times where you can just chill with someone and feel comfortable just not saying anything at all. He was one of those types. Really a genuinely nice guy. He was also the one that showed me the lava rock place where we went to look at the sunset off little beach. Not only was it a stunning sunset, but we saw sea turtles that were probably ancient! They were the biggest sea turtles I've ever seen... bigger then any near black rock or even on the great barrier reef in Australia!
Anyways it wasn't easy leaving Maui... it made it harder because Shawn and Marcio were there to wave us off. It's always hard to say goodbye... certainly when a trip has changed you so much...
I left Vancouver being as stressed as I had ever been... with the recent break up, the passing of my grand dad, all the medical mishaps and school being what it was I was a wreck. I was at the point where I couldn't hide it anymore and my friend and family noticed the toll that it was taking on me. While in Maui I was able to reflect on the bad things that had happened in 2007 and I was able to heal (not completely, still working on it). I have to understand that all these curve balls are just life testing me and making me stronger. I'm learning. Learning what paths to follow, and which ones not to. I cried a little while we were landing in Vancouver because I don't feel that I am ready to face all of the things that await me back home. I can't avoid it forever, and I have to be grateful that I did take this trip, and that I did meet the people that I did. All of them will be remembered because of the role that they played in my healing and discovery of self.

1 comment:

gillicious said...

I'm so glad you had a good time, you needed it.

I know when I'm stressed, it's hard to go back to work/school when you feel you haven't had enough vacation yet. I was like that at Christmas, and ended up staying an extra day with family.

I hope your new term goes well!