Sunday, April 22, 2007

Come and meet those dancing feet, on the avenue I'm taking you to, 42nd Street.

Maja and I sat there waiting patiently for the show to start. The theatre was full of older folks chitter chattering with the excitement of the upcoming show. We on the other hand, were hoping we were in bed. We both had a pretty nasty headache and a rather hectic week.
The house lights dimmed and the chatty crowd came to a hush. The band in the pit struck up a song and the curtain lifted about a foot and a half to reveal a crowd of about 30 tap dancing feet. It was at that moment that my headache seemed to disappear and the feeling of immense fatigue melted away and in it's place there was feeling of excitement. They danced for a while, with us only being able to see their feet, then the curtain lifted and we could see this amazing crowd of actors / dancers and singers tapping their hearts out. Now I remembered why I loved musicals so much.
The rest of it was absolutely astounding! The dancing was amazing and the singing really blew me away! Usually in a local production there's a few people that aren't all that great but this wasn't like one of those. Sure it wasn't like the phantom or cats but it was still really fricking good! I think what also made this show so special was the fact that it was Maja's first musical. It was really neat to see her all excited... eyes sparkling like a little kid at Christmas.
After the show ended, we ran and giggled to our car (we were among the first ones out of the theatre and wanted to be the first ones out of the parking lot because it was going to be a Zoo!) and I felt rather free. I haven't had many close girl friends in my lifetime... possibly because I'm not into all of the girly things. But it was so nice to go watch a show and not have to worry about "are they having a good time..." "why is he pouting... I knew he didn't want to come..." and all the crap that comes with going out with a guy that doesn't particularly like the same things you do.
Anyways the show and the evening in general was fabulous! Well worth the $39 we paid to go see it! The only thing that could have made it a bit better was if the Canucks had won their game. I don't think i need to say more about that because I am sure that every Vancouverite shares the same frustration and sadness that our boys lost their two game lead in the playoffs. Next game will be a hard one to watch. We better kick some ass because if we don't we're out and then no more playoffs for Vancouver :(
Today I've decided not to go to Bowen. I realized that I should probably focus on studying for my 5 quizzes, 2 mid quarter exams and work on my two assignments that are due next week. Bowen isn't going anywhere. Plus I've managed to catch up on some well needed sleep. In a few hours though I am going to head off to watch the diving. I am pretty excited about that because I've never seen diving before and it should be good fun (even though I am going on my own).


Frank said...

I'm glad the show was good. I haven't been to a musical in a really long time. Hope you're having fun watching diving!


Anonymous said...

"are they having a good time..." ... reminds me of a remark I overheard at the Tango Seduction show from some guy who apparently was there to acompany his girlfriend/wife only. "How can anyone watch this for TWO HOURS!" He apparently was not having a good time. Even though the show was simply fabulous. Especially in the eyes of someone who loves and dances tango.
Shame this musical is a bit far off for me, I'd probably enjoy it as much as you did, even though I do not tap.