Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The ugly side of the beauty industry

So the Esthetique Spa International show as great... however towards the second day I was starting to see the ugliness that plagues the beauty industry. There were booths as far as the eyes could see selling so many cosmetics, beauty creams, weight loss diets, laser, electrolysis, some doctor Ho looking like apparatuses that you strap to yourself and "lose weight"... it started to seem ridiculous. Women were walking around looking like dolls. No longer human. It was kind of scary.
This one lady came up to me and said "Come with me, I will fix your face." I was taken aback by this comment and told her that I was quite happy with my face and I didn't think it needed fixing "but honey, you have imperfect skin. Here touch mine and feel the beauty." Actually her face looked quite swollen and expressionless. Personally I'd rather be able to show emotion and expression with my face and I don't care if it leads to laugh lines and crows feet and what ever comes with aging.
While I was being a guinea pig for the mud wraps, I would pretend to sleep so I could listen to the people around me. These two ladies were talking about their products and this one lady was saying that she made her own cosmetics. The other one seemed rather disgusted because they were all natural, organic products. She even told the other lady that apparently her cosmetics don't work because she had wrinkles and age spots. It was really amazing and shocking how cut throat the people were. When talking to competitors you could hear the sting in their voice.
I was talking to this one girl who was about my age, perhaps a little bit older and she was talking about how she wasn't concerned about the effects of chemicals and the sun/tanning booths because by the time she was old, she would be able to afford all of the "neat procedures" that they had to make you look beautiful.
That was something else that bothered me... all of the chemicals and shit in most of the products! Already though eating, drinking and breathing we are taking in more shit then our body can handle. It's working over time trying to expel these carcinogens and with those that they can't expel, they store it. There it accumulates and I wouldn't be surprised if it was a cause for many of the diseases that we have today. So why would you go and put more chemicals into your body? I don't understand. You're not pretty when you're dead or dying. So why? It baffles me.
What Pam and I both found quite frustrating was that we'd try to explain the benefits of Golden Moor Mud and quite a few people either didn't have the education or they didn't care that this was beneficial for you're insides just as much, if not more, then what's on the outside. Many people didn't care or understand that one of it's benefits is an anti-inflammatory that could help patients with arthritis or that it could help with their internal well being.
Anyways all of this has been on my mind. I know I need to separate myself from all of this but I can't help but feel a bit responsible because I will be entering this industry. Even though Registered Massage Therapists work with healing and well being, we're still going to have to heal with some aspect of the beauty industry.

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