Monday, February 4, 2008

I think I'm broked :( I need some fixin' :)

Well fuck now it hurts to type! Maybe this is a sign that I should stop studying :) hee hee... I don't think so :P
After my endless crochetting around x-mas time I had really really sore forearms. I wasn't particularly surprised but to prevent further injury I stopped. I kept going to the gym though which I am sure just made matters worse. It had gotten so bad that when I was doing this certain exercise, my left arm would lock in elbow flexion... it would then be stuck and I'd have to take my right hand to gently shake it out of it's spasm. Last week while practicing fine fibrations with my right hand my whole forearm and part of my arm went into spasm and didn't come out of it (not matter how much massage, hydrotherapy or anything that I tried to do) until I took magnesium and electrolytes. It now hurts to massage and during today's massage my arms were shaking with exhaustion after only an hour of massage. Damn damn damn!
I guess this week I am going to step it up and do contrast arm baths everyday! I should also start to see a massage therapist for my forearms. Heck if someone came in with the problems that I'm describing I'd want to see them at least once a week until the pain has subsided.


Gillian said...

See? You're getting old!

Yeah, I can't crochet or knit for too long in one go, and I don't do your sort of work. I think the arms and wrists and hands just aren't made for such repetitive movement.

I hope the spasms and weirdness subside. It might be in your best interest to limit how much crochet you do in one day.

Anonymous said...

you will be ok!

Janelle said...

Thanks Gill :) I've stopped all together now. I am going to start seeing an RMT myself. But yeah you're right, our arms, forearms and wrists are not made to do all this repetitive work. A glitch in evolution, I say.