Friday, April 4, 2008

Dysfunctional Studying

Alright so here's the deal! There was going to be a bunch of people at my place tonight and being I have to study I decided to go to Pam's and crash there and study with her. So we picked up a bottle of wine to ease our study pains and some dude picked us up from the skytrain (he's a friend of Pams). The bottle of wine is pretty much gone and so is Pam and so is the dude. I am sitting here drunk, alone, in her room. Thinking oops! So do I care? No. I have a book open and I am reading over the notes. This could be fun. Drunk, in your friends room, studying, knowing that she's probably in his car gettin her groove on. Damn. And yeah she's been gone for a while so I finished the wine. I hope she doesn't mind. Hee hee!

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