Thursday, May 10, 2007

What is this bright thing in the sky?

I think there was a bright thing like this one in Maui... and if I remember correctly, I think it might be called the sun... Hell it's been so long I can't remember.
Somewhere someone went click, turned on the sun and turned up the heat (not by too much though but the little change is greatly appreciated.) Before this week our weather wasn't that rainy but it was still cloudy. I guess that because it wasn't raining, I thought it was nice out but I guess it was just cloudy. So I've been appreciating the change in weather. I've busted out my flip flops and have been struttin my stuff in my capris (even though it's a bit chilly). It's funny because all of Vancouver is SO antsy for summer that most people are in their summer cloths but they all have goose bumps. I always thought it was warmer in May but maybe I am wrong.
Otherwise, things have been alright. I got a wonderful care package from Frank from Hawaii which was awesome :) This is my second care package :) I got one from Mum and my bro when they were in Belgium and I was in Australia. Maja also got a little something from Frank as well which was super nice (she was totally stoked, it was cute). Who's Frank you ask? Frank's a guy Maja, Pam and I met in Maui at the Banana Bungalow... actually we were on the road to Hana tour and both Frank and I were car sick (not puke sick but nauseous sick). I was sitting in the front of the van and kept checking if he wanted to switch... He also spent a day with us at little beach and we had a great time.
School has been school. Being we're a class full of girls you can imagine that there's drama. And yes we're currently dealing with drama and it's a bit draining. They say I have to separate myself from it but it's difficult when it's your friend. Oh well we'll see what today brings. The construction men have been out all week :) it's made for good eye candy at lunch. I took a pic on tuesday and that's the one you see I'll take a better one cuz they blend in the building with this one). I should have taken one yesterday because they were in their short sleeved shirts hammering away :)
My neuroanatomy exam went well. I'm damn proud because I got 80%... and it's neuro!!! GO ME! Today I have a mid quarter that I havn't studied for but I have lunch time to study... So we'll see how that goes.
Anyways I best get ready to head off to school. yay school *bleh*. It's ok I had a nice little surprise... I got to talk to my best friend Maggie this morning and she's in France! Lucky bum :) her trip is going well though it's rained for the past few days. I reminded her that she was in Europe and it shouldn't matter so much what the weather's like... I'll send her some sunshine anyways.

1 comment:

Frank said...

Woohoo! I got a mention, and a link ;-) Isn't it nice when the sun is out?'s almost always out in Hawaii! I went to Yoga again, and it was much better, but still hard. I'm working at it, pretty soon I'll be flexible like Gumby