Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hey! Anxiety! It's been a while!

I am not too sure when my last anxiety attack was but I can tell you that they were not missed! Now here I am, exhausted, waiting for a peaceful sleep to find me again. Sure I could try to fall asleep again but I'll be awakened by chills and anxious feelings as soon as I close my eyes. It's weird, I feel that it's gone but then as soon as I close my eyes the feeling comes back. The routine is usually to get up, walk around, go pee, drink water, turn the light on, go back to bed, lay in bed reading or writing, then in half an hour attempt sleep (with the light on), if sleep comes, good, if anxious feeling returns, continue with reading / writing in bed until sleep does come.
I hate it! Before Paul and I started dating, I'd go online and talk to him in the middle of the night. But he's no longer on this late (nor is anyone else, my friends have become reasonable). When Paul and I were dating and we were sleeping together he'd soothe me and cuddle me as if I was a little child with a nightmare and that seemed to help the anxiety go away a little bit faster. Now I'm back to dealing with it on my own.
I can still feel it in my chest. My heater is working full blast because this time something new accompanied my anxiety. Chills! I was SO cold when I woke up. I also had feelings of inadequacy. So I imagine this is what my anxiety was about. I'm not too sure. Well my naturopath said that I should be doing 5 minutes of diaphragmatic breathing so maybe I should give that a shot now. I should have started this long ago because deep breathing is very beneficial but I'm too much of a chest breather and deep breathing actually hurts (all the more reason to do it then, I know). At least I spend a few minutes doing it before bed (deep breathing don't get any funny ideas) and usually end up falling asleep so that's a good start.
Well I am going to give that a shot. I am too tired to put up with my body's shenanigans! Yet as always, it will get it's way. I know.

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