Monday, May 21, 2007

Totally Stoked for Friday!

Well it's been quite the weekend. Yesterday was an awesome day :) I got to hang out with Paul and Teako. We chilled at the doggie beach while Teaks ran around and got all dirty. Then from there we walked to Granville Island to pick up a few things for dinner and to grab a bite to eat for lunch (my brie, avocado and tomato panini was so delicious!). While we were at Granville Island the skies opened up and it was a down right down pour! We figured it would stop (or slow down) by the time we picked up things for dinner. But it didn't. So we bought an umbrella and walked back.
We made the best salad ever! Our plans were to have a bit of salad then make a stir fry but we ate the big batch of salad and never made the stir fry. It was so good. For those looking for a killer salad to make here's what was it in.
1/2 a large bowl full of baby greens
1/4 of a red bell pepper
1/4 of a green bell pepper
1 tomato
3 carrots (shredded would work best, we just cut em into pieces but they were hard to fork)
1/2 an avocado
1/4 of a cucumber (peel on, seeds in)
1/4 pound of machine peeled shrimp (the teenie ones)
lime coconut ginger vinaigrette from the stock pot on Granville island (as much you want, we just put a little bit and it gave a wonderful flavor).
Mix all together and voila! If you want carbs with that, I suggest Greek style pitas warmed in the oven with tsatziki and/or homous. Yums :)
We were going to watch a movie but instead fell asleep watching Mythbusters.
Today I cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed the whole house, did laundry and washed kitty's litter box... well that was this morning. Then I did three assignments (one of which I am SUPER proud of! :) )... now I should be studying but I am going to head to bed early and study tomorrow AM for my final in hydro (both written and oral practical).
This week's looking eventful which has got me pretty stoked. Tomorrow I've got my two finals, but then I meet with Eric, Wednesday I am going to go to Micheal's to get some yarn and crochet stuff, Thursday is Latin night (salsa dancing, Latin food then a Latin type music concert with Darla and her friends), Friday I meet with Gill and she'll teach me to crochet then Saturday nothing but I'll probably stay home and crochet and then it's the weekend. Of course all of this is after school and between studying and stuff but at least I have things to look froward to.
I am so stoked for Friday because Gill will teach me to crochet! After talking to my Grand Maman this weekend (she's in a lot of pain due to her osteoarthritis) I decided that it would be nice if I would make her a knitted blanket (that's my pattern!). But Gill told me that knitting a blanket will take FOREVER! so she'll teach me to crochet! Grand Maman always knitted me sweaters when I was a kid so I thought it would be nice to make her something too. I'll post pictures as I go along so everyone can see my crocheting skills (or lack of... though I think I'll do quite well).
For now it's time to go to bed. I've gotta get up early to study. Yay Study *sighs* :)

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