Sunday, May 4, 2008

How to drink more water?

This is a question that has been on my mind for quite some time now. My naturopaths are always telling me to drink more water. Water tastes so plain and most of the time, I am really not that thirsty. I also have the worlds teenies bladder so drinking lots of water makes me pee lots.... which is a terrible inconvenience!
Well I think I've found a solution to this water drinking dilemma! Just add a tablespoon of rose water to my regular water and it tastes yummy :) cucumbers in water are also delicious! Both of these things don't contain sugar or other things that can rot your teeth (or gut) so that's definitely a plus. Apparently rose water is good for "women's things". Exactly how and what it's good for, I don't know. I will look it up after I am finished studying for finals.
So far I've spent all of today studying for my two neurotreatment finals. I am impressed with how much I already know so it's made studying a little easier. It's also comforting to know that I got over 80% in all of my other quizes/midquarters/midterms in that class.
Tomorrow I study spinal treatment which is en entirely different story! I hope I'll have gained some knowledge though ignoring it for such a long period of time but somehow I don't think that'll be the case. Fark!
Anyways enough procrastination. Multiple sclerosis doesn't study itself!

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