Monday, January 14, 2008

One month to Valentines Day!

Yeah usually I don't get overly excited about valentines day; certainly when I am single. Last year something interesting happened and I'd like to start/continue this tradition.
Last year, Paul and I broke up sometime in mid January so Valentines Day 2007 was especially tender. I didn't hermit or get vengeful... instead I treated myself to some yoga that evening. While on the skytrain on my way to yoga there were these people who were handing out flowers to people who looked sad or that could use a pick me upper. Apparently I was one of these. One of the guys came up to me and gave me a beautiful yellow rose, gave me a hug and wished me Happy Valentines Day. Though it did make me teary eyed, it wasn't because I was sad but because I was blown away at the niceness (new word :P) of this gesture. It changed the rest of my day (well evening... it was late but what ever :) )! Apparently it's the second year that these people go around and give flowers to people on Valentines day. Some of them were even couples!
I really liked this idea so I think I am going to do it this year. It might be a little bit tricky because it's a very busy day. I've got a full day at school and then from 6 to 9pm I am going to be at Aurora for an outreach. I thought about switching shifts but I'd rather be there for those women. They too will be alone on Valentines Day. Not only that but I am single I might as well be there... the other girls have boyfriends (well except for Pam and Joy) and I am sure they'd want to spend the evening with them.
So tomorrow I am going to go to Costco to see how much flowers cost. I'll also get a feel for how many people would want to do this with me (if any)... And being it's going to be a busy day, we'll have to do it over lunch... anyways it'll be doable just tight. Anyways if anyone reads this and is interested, drop me a line :) doesn't matter whether you know me or not.


Donna said...

I am totally into this. I can take an extended lunch break for it -- bring me! :)

Janelle said...

Right on! Would love to have you with us!