Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Inhale, exhale... life moves on.

And I'm going to bed! Or will be soon. Today has been a terribly odd day. I got up with the sun (well before cuz it's still winter) to do a bit of homework and then go to the gym. Once at the gym, I couldn't warm up (despite working harder at cardio then I have in a while... I'm all about pushing myself. Maybe too much sometimes). I tried a few exercises but my heart wasn't into it. Kinda half assed my whole work out then went for a veggie sandwich and shake at Benny's. I am sure she shake didn't help... at least it was yogurt. For the rest of the day I've found me to be quite spacey. Neurotreatment was interesting yet I can't remember anything that we did. It feels like it's very late but sadly it's only 5pm. I might watch a bit of TV... No hockey tonight but there is some tomorrow. Ah well early to bed it is.
So far the highlight of my day has been this. Thanks Donna :)

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