Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mrs. Muscle... well working on it.

After some marathon studying, I went to the gym with Craig. Now Craig has put together an exercise program for me and he was teaching me a few new tricks/exercises. We had tried this 2 months back and when he tried to get me to deadlift 65 lbs (or maybe it was 55, I can't remember) and I couldn't. I couldn't even get it off the ground. He took the weights off and I had a lot of trouble even lifting the bar.
Today though I deadlifted 65lbs! And I did it more then once! I couldn't believe it. I even did a few barbell squats... until my glutes started spasming :( Apparently my booty is not big with muscle... oh well I love it anyways. I've also gone from dumbell benching 10lbs to 15lbs... without rearranging my face (which I thought might happen once or twice).
I'm looking forward to my new routine at the gym. The other one was great though but it had been the same for two months... time to switch it up. I have a feeling though that these barbell squats and deadlifting will be exercises that I will love to hate.
Last time I was at the gym, Craig and I were supposed to meet up. I tend to get there a bit earlier because I work out for longer then he does (he doesn't do cardio... I do 45 minutes of it or so). I was doing my usual workout and I didn't see him come in. I kept working out until my muscles were spaghetti and I couldn't lift a single thing more. I then went into the change room to see if I had a message from Craig. Sure enough he was delayed with work and wouldn't be able to make it.
I then decided to go and spend a bit of time in the sauna. My logic was that by spending time in the sauna I would increase circulation to my muscles which would increase oxygen and nutrients to them which would decrease muscle soreness. Hey it couldn't hurt. Worst that could happen is I'd be relaxed and sore the next day. After 30 minutes in the sauna with some cold showers in between (contrasting also helps to increase circulation) and some stretching I came out feeling like a heap of jello. Not quite what I wanted to achieve.
That night I had trouble lifting the blankets to get into bed I was so sore. I wasn't particularly surprised... I did work really hard after all. I was a bit worried that I had over saunaed myself... but it felt great (other then the not being able to lift my own limbs). I had to wait and see what I'd feel like in the morning.
Come next morning I jump out of bed and... NO SORENESS! It felt like I had worked out but I was not sore. I could do all my daily activities without being reminded of the night before. So now I am experimenting with the sauna. Today I only spent about 5 minutes in it because Craig was done and ready to go. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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