Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It feels like I am chasing my tail

If I had a tail... mind you the coccyx could be a tail... sorta kinda maybe. I don't know what's up with me today I'm so freaking down it's really kinda stupid. Over what, I don't know. I just am. I should be happy... I woke up with Eric by my side this morning, 11 more sleeps until my trip to winnipeg, I have a loving family and cat, I've got an education... maybe that's my problem. It's an education in something I am not particularly interested in.
Quite a few people have been telling me that if I am not interested, then maybe I should quit and do something else. Well there's one problem... I'm a stubborn piece of work and I won't quit. I also think being an RMT will be beneficial (then again my sanity might be beneficial as well... but it could also be over rated). Then again maybe I am just convincing myself that being an RMT will be beneficial because I don't know what I'd do if I dropped out. Oh ouch dropped out... that stings. Fuck I don't know! I just want to cry about it but I can't seem to cry. Plus it's stupid to cry.
Maybe I should go for a walk with mum tonight... spend some quality mother daughter time while the guys are out having a guys night out (which Eric is going to as well... which is totally cute because none of my other bf's have ever gone to guys night out with my dad and bro and uncle.). Maybe.

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