Saturday, March 17, 2007

All over the place

Well here we go, it's saturday again, almost the weekend and I have no idea where the week went. This week has been tiring and I don't know why. It's just one of those weeks where you wake up tired and by the time you get home from school, you're ready for bed. Things have been really confuffled too... there just seems to be a zillion things happening and jugeling all of them is near impossible.
Perhaps it's my body conserving energy for in a week from now. I am sure it remembers the abuse that I put it through during the finals of level 100. Oh well, I am sure I'll end up doing well. I am sitting pretty in most of my classes except for A&P and Systemic Orthopedic Pathology. I'll make sure to study for those ones cuz the finals are all worth 50% of the final mark!
Today's St. Patty's day and I'm looking forward to going out with the girls :) we're planning on heading over to the cambie after clinic and having dinner and a few drinks. I think it's going to be my first St. Patty's day without drinking (well other then when I was a kid). Anyways it'll be a good time.
Well time to toodle off and get ready for school... Therapeutic Exercises and Clinic today... sounds exhausting already.

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