Sunday, November 2, 2008


So I FINALLY got my marks back for that fascial OP that I first wrote about here... then followed up that post a day later with this one. After the speech I stopped stressing about my results but I was still very curious to see whether I had passed or totally bombed the darn thing! And I passed! Not only did I pass, I kind of did really well and am quite proud of myself. With 94% in the written and 80% in the OP* I feel better about my fascial skills.
I've also found that with this break I am more determined and am quite efficient with my study time. I am also learning a lot more in class because I actually want to be there and I'm asking questions. I am also answering questions even though I am unsure of myself. Before I would only answer if I knew my answer was right (which wasn't very often) because I was afraid people would think I was stupid. But I figure I am in school now so now's the time to mess up when I have people around me that can correct me. I think this will make me a better therapist in the long run.
Clinic has also changed. I find myself more confident and am tackling people's problems head on. I'm treating not only with the standard Swedish techniques (which is my comfort zone because I know I can do those well) but I am also throwing in muscle energy, fascial and other techniques that I am less confidant with. I figure now is the time to practice. I am also finding myself telling me clients that "Next week we're going to work on...". So without really knowing it I'm already building up long term goals and I am telling my clients about it. Voicing long term goals to my clients was something I never had the courage to do before this term.
So far I like these changes. They definitely seem to be for the better. I am also getting excited about my future as a therapist because I am starting to see value in the work that I do. I think the next year will be very interesting for me.

*OP - oral practical

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