Monday, September 17, 2007

What am I doing awake at 3am?

That's a question that I am asking myself right now. I've already lay in bed for a good half hour and sleep hasn't come back to me. So instead of laying there, wasting time, I decided to get up and work on the multitude of things that I have to do this week (homework wise). You see, here's the down side of working and going to school. It just so happens that a few mid terms and finals are the same week as the week before opening day and the week after. Being they only hired 15 people as opposed to 30, they're quite short staffed in the bakery department, therefore I am working 4 days this week as opposed to the 2 that I should be working. This cuts down on my study time significantly and has me rather worried (hence why I am up this early right now). Well I best get to it.

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