Monday, September 17, 2007

Bad Kitty!

So Minette's been a bit of a difficult thing to deal with lately. She drinks a lot, mews a lot and is rather incontinent... but I guess this all comes with age. After all she is 13. Otherwise she is quite healthy. The incontinence though was/is a bit hard to deal with, so we took her to the vet (also for her yearly shots). The vet figured that she might have hyperthyroid so they did a few tests. We figured hyperthyroidism isn't that bad, she'd just have to be on pills for the rest of her kitty life. Today we got the test results back. And it wasn't hyperthyroidism. It's cancer.
I'm at quite a loss for words and for feelings. Initially I cried. I cried a lot. I called Eric and boohooed over the phone for a while. Talking to him always makes me feel better as he helps put things into perspective. Right now we've got two choices, either we bring her in for more testing to really confirm the diagnosis, from there she can get chemo or radiation, which may prolong her life but she may not be a happy camper or we can do nothing and let nature take it's course. My initial reaction was that we should let nature take it's course. That is still how I feel.
I could be selfish and make her last longer but really I want her to be happy. After reading over what I wrote about the hyperthyroidism, I think this might even be better (of these situations) because Minette is a feisty little thing and would absolutely HATE to have pills stuffed down her throat.
So tonight I'm sad but she's just come to join me so I think we're going to cuddle and go to bed now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi J,

I'm so sorry to hear about Minette's diagnosis. My last cat had hyperthyroidism for her last year or two of life (I gave her pills), and at the end had cancer. She was maybe a year older than M.

If you need to talk about this, let me know. I know how it feels. Good luck with whatever you decide.