Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vagus Nerve (Cranial Nerve X) and heart ache

The Vagus Nerve is the tenth of the twelve paired cranial nerves and it runs from the brain to the abdomen, innervating the ears, tongue, throat, lungs, heart and intestinal tract. The vagus nerve supplies motor parasympathetic fibers (this is our rest and digest nerve fibers, they are calming. They are usually overpowered by the sympathetic nervous system - fight or flight - we cannot stimulate the parasympathetic system but in order for it to kick in, we must calm the sympathetic system) to these organs.
It wasn't until recently that we were introduced to the idea that the vagus nerve could be possible connected to emotions and the function of these organs. Some of the north american doctors arn't quite following this, however, many of the other alternative health practitioners such as naturopaths, massage therapists etc. agree with this new theory.
I'm still wrapping my head around it but it does seem entirly possible. It would explain why when we are anxious, scared, or heart broken, we feel it in our heart or stomach. For the past week, heart ache has been a constant nagging feeling that until now I havn't been able to understand. I know why it's there but I can't quite understand why my heart hurts when I'm feeling down. It seems almost impossible that organs and nerves can be connected (except for nerve innnervating them for function eg.: our heart beating). I guess I seemed to forget to most important thing... everything is connected... so why couldn't emotions, nerves and organs be connected. Afterall the limbic system (our "emotional brain") is in the brain and I am sure the cranial nerves are somehow related - maybe I should reread the chapter on the nervous system.
This is possibly the most confusing blog entry but I just had to write down and try to make sence of this vagus nerve / organ / emotion thing. It's still quite cloudy, I think I need to do more reserach. It is interesting through and I think I can see how this could all come together.

Smile and your limbic system smiles with you.

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