Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Kitty's quirks

For the past while, Minette has been really thirsty. She has a bowl upstairs and one downstairs that we keep filled with fresh, filtered water (yeah she's spoiled). It wasn't until recently that she started to drink out of the toilets and the tub. It wasn't until even more recently that she started camping out next to the upstairs toilet. This is now her new favorite spot.
Minette also has a stuffed fish that she plays with. Ok well she doesn't quite play with it but rather takes it with her. If we're having dinner, we'll hear the low growly mew that announces that she's bringing her fish. Same thing goes if we've got company (or just watching TV) and are sitting in the living room visiting. This also goes for when I'm (or if Eric is with me) in bed just as I'm falling asleep. She'll bring her fish, always accompanied by the low growly mew. She won't bring it to you but she'll just drop it in the room. It's like her buddy I guess.
This afternoon I'm studying for my A&P mid term. I decided to get some water upstairs to stretch my legs and give myself a break. As I was by the upstairs washroom, I see Minette sleeping next to the toilet with the fish. This made me laugh and it still makes me smile because I can just imagine Minette wanting to share her fresh water with her friend the fish and dropping it in the toilet.

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