Sunday, September 2, 2007

Best Drink Ever!!!

So Eric and I stopped by Stella's Tap ad Tapas on Commercial drive for dinner last night. This is a restaurant that serves more Belgian beer then you can shake a stick at. Of course you'd think I'd get a Belgian beer... but nope I got some kinda girly coctail instead! While Eric was enjoying his Gulden Draak, I was enjoying my El Nino (a little too much, I had two they were so good!). We also had a plate of duck something or other which was quite nice, jumbo (really really jumbo) thai shrimp and belgian fries. I quite enjoyed dinner, though the company and the drinks were much better.
Anyways I've looked up on the internet how to make this El Nino drink that I had and it turns out that it's called El Diablo, El Nino is a completely different drink (with peach n stuff). So yeah I am going to try and duplicate this recipe when I get some Cassis (aka blackcurrant).
Well things have been nutty lately! I've got to catch up on the blogging but not right now (going to go help mum with dinner making as I only seen her in passing for the past few days because I've been out so much).

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