Sunday, August 17, 2008

The boy be no more.

End of story. Heart broken? Not at all. I got home from Tofino to two e-mails from the boy about things we have to talk about. Ack! We weren't even official and we've already got to talk. Fuck it!
So I went met an other dude (the guy that lives a couple blocks away from my house) and he turned out to be a drunk weirdo! Shortest internet meeting ever... 13 minutes and I was out of there. I sure am glad I didn't waste my time going too far away from my place.
Yep, I need a man, not a boy.
I spent a great day with myself thinking and walking around this stunning city. Matteo and I went to wreck for 10am this morning. He had to work at Noon so I decided to walk home from wreck, going by spanish banks, jericho and zig zagging my way home through the residential streets of Vancouver. I got home at 4pm and had a nap. Cleaned my room and felt much better. I needed some alone time! It was great :) For the first time, I don't want to go to work tomorrow. But hey I have an other "date" after work so it gives me something to look forward to. Serial dater. Maybe.

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