Tuesday, June 26, 2007

T. Nile & Joanna Chapman-Smith

Last night Eric and I went to the Railway Club to listen to some live music. A friend of Eric, Tamara, had just come back from tour and was playing at the Railway Club. Joanna Chapman-Smith played the first set and I was blown away by the velvety smoothness of her voice!
I wasn't too sure I would like this type of music, because I never really listened to folk... and my only experience with banjo's was the dueling banjo's that were playing in the hot springs bathroom. I guess they want you to get changed really quickly because it was horrible and our family made fun of it for the rest of the trip home.
I didn't think anyone could be better then Joanna but when Tamara came on, she was just as good as Joanna! I had shivers most of the time... and that's a good thing :) Anyways I really really enjoyed the music last night and it's made me want to go out and see more live shows. I've always enjoyed live music but being the night hawk that I am, I'm usually in bed my 10pm :) so needless to say, I am usually in bed before anything good happens...
Well today's a gorgeous day... it's supposed to be up to 25 degrees! So I think I am going to study a bit, then hit the beach or at least a park where I can lay in the sun and enjoy the sunshine! We've had a REALLY slow start to summer. It's almost July and I can't remember when was the last time that I wore shorts... Hopefully summer comes soon.


Frank said...

I meant to listen to those when I got home from work, but forgot (note to self, listen to them when you get home from work). I love live shows too! I went to watch these people perform live jazz a few weeks ago, it was awesome.

Janelle said...

Yeah speaking of Jazz... the Vancouver Jazz festival is on this year and I havn't made it out! How sad is that!