Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Backups & Headaches

So last week backups were a topic of conversation in one of our classes (yes we were on a bit of a tangent). I didn't know about this but it seems to be quite common. A backup is someone that you will marry if you are still single by a certain age... I can see how it makes sense.
Anyways, Paul and I were hanging out on monday (we washed Teako, who's now quite clean and poofy) and I mentioned this to him. I was half kidding (one of those wishful thinking type things) but he agreed and when we set an age, we agreed on 9 years from now (I'll be 30 and he'll be 35). That evening I asked him if he was serious and he said yes. So there you go, now I have a backup.
Sure I was sort of hoping that by the age of 30 I'd have my first kid but I am definitely not bringing kids into this world if they don't have a Dad. So this seems like a plan that will work. It's always good to have a plan B.
Anyways on a totally different topic, I've had headaches pretty much once a day for the past week or so. It's starting to get tiring. This afternoon I didn't have class due to my going part time. This is good because I wanted to start studying for my final that I have tomorrow (well continue studying... it's good cuz I am starting to understand I just have to master it now). I got home and my headache was so uncomfortable that I decided to take a nap (I don't like drugs to numb headaches). So I took a nap and 3 or 4 hours later, I woke up. Oops. Then within an hour my headache was back! So now I have a headache and I won't be able to sleep tonight. Damn life's funny sometimes. It's times like these where you just want to cuddle with someone until the discomfort goes away. Maybe I am going through cuddle withdrawal... though it's a bit late for that... Who knows. Well I best get studying.
Tomorrow's salsa dancing but the mixer (not classes, anyone can go to this) and the main focus is spins and turns :)

1 comment:

gillicious said...

I'm kind of feeling sore about your whole "backup plan" being when you're 30. I'm turning 30 this year, and I'm single, and there's nothing wrong with that. Sheesh.