Thursday, June 21, 2007

EEWWW I ate a lady bug and it peed in my mouth!

Well damn that'll teach me to slack off! I decided to take a break from studying and go pick some raspberries and strawberries and eat them :) We have bushes in our back yard and it makes for yummy fresh fruit. I was eating a raspberry when I heard a crunch and then it tasted like lady bug pee... how do I know it was lady bug pee... well lady bugs like to pee on me. I'm like a lady bug porto potty... ever so convenient and every time a lady bug lands on me, it leaves a little yellow pee spot that SMELLS! Anyways after to crunch I spat out my berry and saw the poor little lady bug 1/2 eaten mushed in with the raspberry.
Things have been good... The two finals have passed and I have one more tomorrow. They both went well... ok the first one, I'm really disappointed in but I don't know if I should be disappointed in me or in how the teacher was totally unfair in marking and a bit of a hard ass. The second, I don't know what I got as my exam mark, but I passed the class with 78%!! I was and am SO excited! I thought I was going to fail! But nope the endless of hours of studying really paid off!
Sure it's made me really not interested in studying now but fuck I passed that class and though tomorrow's exam isn't AS hard, it's hard but... I just don't care right now. My brain is recovering.
Anyways I am going to go pick more berries and procrastinate some more!

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