Quiet time...
Here I am again at the Irving Barber Study Hall at UBC. It was my home during most of my finals and I think it'll be my home for the next little while (at least until board exams). This morning it's the quietest that I've seen it. There are about 20 people (as opposed to 200) and it's SO quiet! I feel like if I were to shift on my couch it would make noise and bother people. I love it :) I've dragged myself here because... well for one I need to be closer to work in case I get called in and for two... less distractions.
I am getting quite frustrated with things. I got my 2nd 'thanks but no thanks' letter from Switzerland. The 2nd was just as polite as the 1st but it still sucks to receive them. I also have no clients today, which sucks because it's hard to make money when you don't have any clients. I'm ready to work but there's no work. Bah! Anyways I am keeping my phone close by. I guess this just reinforces how important it is to be an RMT (as they are busier then bodyworkers) so really it should be encouragement to study. But it's not. I am finding it hard to study. I just don't have the drive right now. I guess I am just a little too focused on Switzerland, which is and isn't a good thing. This is why I am at the study hall today. Hopefully a change of scene will help me get on track. I've promised myself that if I do two hours of studying then I can apply to two more places in Switzerland. Hopefully I'll be able to do two hours of studying and half an hour to an hour of applying places and then two hours of studying.... and continue like that until about 4 or 5ish then off to the gym to work out any frustrations (and tire my body our because there's nothing worse then going to bed, mind exhausted, but you're body is about to jump out of it's skin because you spent the majority of your day sitting on your ass, staring at a book).
Anyways, I better get to it!
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