Saturday, July 18, 2009

But I am not anxious!!

So it would be really silly to have anxiety attacks when I am not anxious right? Well call me silly cuz I have had TWO anxiety attacks in the span of a week! Effff! The first one I just figured it was weird and it was just my body/mind reminding me what they were like... that they suck and it's a good thing I don't get them as often. But tonight, I woke up again... so spooked that I actually bolted to the kitchen (this is new... usually I just sit upright and look scared/possessed, hyperventilate a little then I realize what's happening and I can start taking care of myself). I must be quite scared if my reaction is to run. Especially that it's a feeling that comes from within me, therefore running is a little silly because, hey! it's following me. But anyways it's what I am doing now so I gotta deal with it. On the plus side, it has me that much closer to the washroom. Calming myself down includes (not necessarily in this specific order but this works best), having a drink of water, going to the washroom, listening to pretty music - usually Celtic, turning on the lights in my bedroom and staying awake. Falling asleep just triggers the feeling again... which sucks because already I'm buzzing with anxiousness. And I usually have to stay awake for 2 to 3 hours...
Judging by the deep blanket creases all over me, I must have been in one heck of a deep sleep. This sucks! I wanted to be well rested for tomorrow! 13 hours at folk fest in the hot sun is going to wear me out (or it did last year so I am getting ready). Plus, I'll be on call at work so I can't really afford to be tired. Oh well, I guess that's why there are naps in the sunshine.
Well instead of making this a painfully long and boring post, I am going to research why I am getting anxiety attacks. Just this week Mom said she heard that it could be a lack of protein... that COULD make sense because I am working out every other day for about two hours so my body probably needs more protein then it's getting (I didn't eat anything especially proteiney yesterday... so that could be why). I'll make sure to get some tofu sesame snacks to see if that helps. Also, before I fell asleep (and now actually) my right leg is all twitchy so there's got to be an insufficiency of something. Electrolytes?
Time to be that all annoying client that self diagnoses myself from Internet articles :) My nautropath will be proud when I see him Tuesday. Ha ha!

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