Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chain Maille

So yesterday I posted an add on Craigslist to sell my chain maille bra that I bought when I was 17 (yeah which 17 year old owns a 100$ chain maille bra...). I am quite surprised at the number of responses! So far I've had 3! We'll see if any of them go through but had I have known that it was this easy to get rid of it, I would have gotten rid of it a while ago.
Some of you may be wondering why I am getting rid of it... well it's a A cup / small B cup and... I'm not... and it's not quite cute and fuzzy. Change in taste I guess.


Frank said...

Ha!!!! That's freaking awesome that you have/had a chain maille bra! What's with the under shirt though? j/k. How much are they bidding on it? You gotta keep me updated on this one.

Janelle said...

70$ is what I am selling it for, however I am totally flexible on the price. No one's replied since that initial e-mail though :(