Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cupid is shooting arrows!

Everyone's falling in love, celebrating anniversaries, getting married or getting engaged! It's exciting and beautiful to see. I am very fortunate to be surrounded by so much love. My parents are a prime example of a loving relationship and we've also got good friends that are great loving role models as well.
My brother and Dasha got married yesterday and what a beautifully stunning wedding it was. It was perfect. I wouldn't have changed a thing! Oh and the wedding cake... it was perfect :) It was all great and wonderful and I am so glad that Dasha is joining our family. I am sure photos are going to start surfacing soon and I might post them (often times I say I will post things and I never do... this time I am covering my ass and saying 'might' just so that if I don't... it's ok :)).
I'm surrounded by love and couldn't be any luckier but...

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