Saturday, February 24, 2007


Don't you hate it when you're stuck in a rut and you figure you can catch up but then you realized that you're fucked. I'm in that predicament now... I applied for a job, which I got (consists of selling mud at the esthetics show sunday and monday... which is my weekend) and I didn't think this would be a problem.

I knew that I had two mid quarter exams on tuesday (A&P and Systemic Orthopedic Pathologies, my hardest subjects) but i figured I'd be fine. I thought I'd check my agenda JUST IN CASE i missed something... SURPRISE! Not only do I have those two exams, I also have:
Quiz in Manual Skills
Quiz in Professional development
Two assignments in PD
one being two interviews that i need to conduct with
a) an RMT
b) a small buisness owner
the other assignment is 1500 words on one of the following subjects
1) lifelong learning
2) maintaing a professional relationship with your clinic guests
3) managing your stress levels at school and at home (I think I'll pick this one cuz it's the one I am CRAP at)

So needless to say, I am going to be stupidly busy in the next little while... all this and I still have that darn cold/flu/what ever the hell it is... well hopefully the guy that hired Pam and I for the esthetics show to sell mud isn't a hard ass and I can manage to study a bit between customers.

Oh well all in all I am feeling much better (emotionally anyways)... i figured what will happen between Paul and I will happen and no matter how much I think, stress, cry and worry, it won't change the outcome.

Time to study A&P... then study mud stuff then sleep :) precious sleep.

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