Thursday, September 10, 2009

Holding my breath

Well the day is the day. Today I find out whether I passed or failed the written portion of the board exam. Over the course of the past week I haven't been overly afraid of today. Sure, I've had two dreams where I've dreamt that I've passed the exam. Though that may seem like a good dream, it was filled with anxiety because if I pass this exam, then I have to do the Oral Practical... which is just as scary, if not more. So I for now I've been quite happy not knowing. It's almost been like I've finished my boards because there's nothing I can do to change what's on that scan tron sheet and... actually studying for the OP has been interesting.
I've found that studying for the OP is like admitting that I've passed the written, which kind of seemed like I might be setting myself up for deception if they call to tell me I haven't passed. It's been strange.
I'm working today, so I won't be able to be sitting next to my phone the entire time... if I miss the call then I might not know until tomorrow... *sigh* bah! This is so strange.
All of yesterday I've had friends and family say that they know I did well. I appreciate that they believe in me, however what if I don't do well? What if I don't pass? Then what. They've all joked that they then couldn't be friends with me... but it still gives me a bit of an uneasy feeling (and yes, I know they're only joking but still).
This morning I got two huge hugs from Mom and Dad. Darla knocked on the bathroom door before she left for work and yelled through the door that she loved me and that I should let her know as soon as I know. I'm lucky to have such support :) But still, I find myself holding my breath...

1 comment:

Steve and Marcy said...

Two More BIG hugs and Congratulations Janelle for passing your written Exam.
We are both very, very proud of you. "YOU GO GIRL"
Love Uncle Steve & Auntie Marcy