A sign of the times
Yesterday was the October birthday celebrations. October, November and December are birthday months in our group of friends (well rather in my parents group of friend... but you know how it goes). So yesterday we were celebrating Mum, Uncle Steve & Geoff and I's birthday. Celebrations started at 1:30 where we'd go to the market as per usual and pick up the ingredients for the four (in this case because there are four birthday people) courses. This time my brother and I were working, so we missed this part. Being we were working late, we didn't get to our place until 8pm. It was neat to have my little bro pick me up from work though. We hardly made it through all the courses before we went to bed early (I had today, bright and early).
Anyways it was different because normally my bro and I are always there and it's usually the adults that are at work and are in bed early.
It was frustrating because I really wanted to celebrate last night but I could not find an ounce of energy left inside me. I am sure everyone understood but still. I think my birthday will a really low key one this year. I happen to be going to school for 4 hours and then at work for 8 and a half on my birthday. I wanted to go to the Parade of Lost Souls for my birthday and dance in the street to the beat of some awesome drumming bands. But Maja's birthday is on the same day and she's my girl and the Parade and my birthday will be there next year. Instead I am not too sure what I am going to do. I want to get a bunch of people together for dinner and then live music at the Railway club... but then again will I have energy for that? Or will I just sit there, trying to stay awake? Or should I just go for dinner with Maggie and Maja and then live music at the Railway Club? Who knows? I think I'll play that one by ear.
Lately my days have consisted of either work or school. A little bit of crochet but I've realized that I won't be able to finish the blanket in time for when my Auntie Rose leaves (which was 3 hours ago). It is coming along really nicely though. On Thursday I went for a walk around Stanley Park and I even had the opportunity to grab Teako to walk with me. I brought along my camera and we had a great time. I miss that little bugger and he misses me too (after he sniffed my butt and recognized it was me). Thursday evening I worked at Aurora Center in BC women's hospital and I absolutely love working with those women! I am thinking that when I become and RMT, I am going to either work there or volunteer there (either through the school, or just to be there for the women). I am not too sure.
Wednesday I handed in my PD project. I wanted to blog about it because it's such a fantastic piece of work. It is also a very personal piece of work and that is why I haven't written about it. It was met with ooohhs and aahhhhs and even a few tears. I won't post any of my writings because they're too personal. Eric's photos however are worth blogging about. Ok so that's about all I have to say about them...
I could go on about how I think they're great and super and how the whole process was one that was quite comforting and respectful but I won't, I'll just post the pics and you can be the judge.
There's the baby fair that's going to be on the 20th and 21st of October and I am going to go to that. Not because I am pregnant, but because I want to check out what's out there. I saw the the Doula Services Association will be there. Anyways I think it will be worth while checking out. Spa Utopia will be there too and I asked if I could volunteer. They said no because it would be unfair to only have one student there. I figure it's fair, this student is interested in that kinda stuff and took the initiative to put herself out there. But I guess we've got to keep the peace, so I understand. Anyways it's getting late and I have to work again tomorrow, so I am going to hit the hay.
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