Ever since I was a little girl, Cirque du Soleil has always mesmerized me. I've always loved it... I often dreamt of running away with the circus, joining these amazing performers on their travels around the world, captivating audiences everywhere. I've been to many of their shows (they have 17 shows, I've seen 7) and every time I go to a Cirque du Soleil show, I can't help but wonder... will this be the show where I will finally feel that I've seen it all. With that feeling, will my passion and intrigue dwindle?
Those questions lingered in my mind yesterday as Maggie, my parents and I walked up to the familiar yellow and blue tents. With every step, I grew more and more excited. Once we'd crossed the gates, Maggie and I were so excited... we were like giggly school girls. That familiar excitement was back, the questions remained faint in my mind, but they were still there. Once seated in the theatre, I looked at this new decor in awe. It was stunning!
Shortly after, the show began. I found myself, like during all other Cirque du Soleil shows, sitting at the edge of my seat, my eyes wide open so to not miss a graceful twist or turn, my head followed every artists perfectly executioned leap and jump... All that mattered was this moment and this moment only. Sense of time and space disappeared and I was absorbed.
I was captured during the entire show. All I could keep thinking was that this show, Corteo, was the most beautiful show of all of the Cirque du Soleil shows that I've seen to date. The way that it was put together and presented flowed so beautifully and was so magical that it just captured you and held you within it's dream. It was unreal.Sure it didn't have as much acrobatics as some of the other shows but I didn't miss it. Still now, I can't believe it. It seems like it was all a dream (which is great because that was what it was all about). The only thought that I remember going through my mind during the performance was of a certain someone and how I thought that they would really like this show and the way that they presented certain ideas and beliefs. It even managed to turn off my therapeutic mind. I didn't try to analyze their bodies or imagine how they rehabbed, stretched or warmed up. That didn't stop me from turning on the therapeutic mind back on once the show was over and asking a couple of people who worked there how to get in contact with the physiotherapists
or trainers that worked with the artists.
I am so glad I was able to share this with Maggie. She'd never been to a Cirque du Soleil performance. It was also great to go with Mom and Dad because they've been to so many of the shows with me. What's awesome about the trio too was that they had the patience to wait for me while I tracked people down to see if I could get backstage and talk to the artists and they also waited for me while I took pictures of the sexy infinity that was at the entrance. What can I say, it was a hot car... in my favorite colour :)
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