Go Apple GO!
YAY! Apple is regaining my confidence in their technical support competence! I got a case number in record time! 11 minutes and 36 seconds :) The problem this time... the clicker is losing it's sensitivity and won't click sometimes! It's getting worse too!Last time I was on hold for a REALLY long time and I was afraid that today I would have the same problem. I decided to call in the morning, hoping that people would be too busy at work, school, having fun in the sun (somewhere else in Canada, not here) or really doing anything other then calling apple. After calling once, I got through immediately! No hold time! The only problem was, the person on the other end couldn't hear me. Mark probably thinks I am right crazy cuz if he was awake, he'd have heard me say my full name twice then having a Hello Hello yelling match with the guy on phone. Why do people raise their voices when talking on the phone? If it doesn't work, yelling into the phone won't make it work. Ha ha anyways... I called back and I wasn't even on hold for a minute until I got to talk to Aaron. In no time, I had a case number! YAY!
Sure that's only step 1... I still have to bring it to Simply computing, see if they can fix it, then get it fixed by them. Mind you, after talking to Andrew (a friend of mine), it sounds like my computer needs to be reformatted so maybe that'll help. I doubt it though, I am pretty sure it's a hard wear problem. I wish I had some Mac savy friends that could help me with this stuff instead of paying and arm and a leg to get strangers to do it. Ah well!
Anyways time to go sort through the Hawaii pics that Frank sent me, dick around on the old PC to see if I can find my resume (still haven't started looking for jobs) and apply for jobs. If that fails I might just go swimming instead. Much more fun and I figure Kits pool will be empty cuz it's such a shitty day. The water will be just a warm though... I'll just have to run from the pool to the change room... and keep my head under water.
Gotta keep in shape! Just bought a boustier yesterday and it's a hint too small... but it was on sale! Reg $250 for $50. And no, it doesn't even look like it's worth that much, it's just from a local designer. Will post pics later... maybe.
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