10pm and I am exhausted. What a beautiful
day!!! Sure I spent the entire day hung over and had to move at a sloth pace in order to not throw up but it was fantastic none the less.
Last night,
Maja, Pam, Darla and I got together for... well what was meant to be massage, food and wine. It would have been a fantastic opportunity to catch up on what's been going on in each others lives and also to practice our hands on training. We give each other honest feedback which is something that we don't often get. Sure we're all great... but we need to be nit picky sometimes. Being it was so beautiful, we ended up just sitting on the deck, having drinks (fresh purred raspberry/blueberry juice, crushed mint, crushed ice and amaretto... so yummy!) and chatting. At one point we made a salad, portobello burgers and BBQed baby potatoes. We also graduated to wine. More drinking

and talking. I had the brilliant idea of making this interesting recipe that I had never tried before (and that was quite complicated)... of course by this time I was properly drunk. I kept having to tell myself out loud that "Oven is hot, hot means oven mitts" because many times I tried to grab the pan without oven mitts. Oops :) A couple of bottles down and I way laying outside trying desperately to stop the spins. While laying on the porch I ended up text messaging the ex. I didn't find this out until morning... Damn! The spins stop (fresh air is amazing!) and we continue the festivities. Pam eventually leaves, Darla, Maja and I pass out in my bed. 3 hours later I am awake a

nd cleaning. If I move too fast I feel nauseated. By 8 Maja is out the door and going to school, by 9 I am out the door and headed to work.
Work was great! It has been all week. I am super happy with my new job. I quite enjoy it... the people are really fantastic. There are also so many people from all over the world. Quite a few women in the pharmacy are from India and they all decided to wear their Saris. It was so pretty and colourful.
After work it was off to Gourmet Warehouse. Oh this place is dangerous! I was so excited in this store! They have everything a cook could ever wish for! I was good though, I made a list of everything I

wanted and needed for the grad cake and I am going to price it out at other places and take it from there. A wise shopper I am :)
Finally it was time to eat... I hadn't eaten anything because my tummy was angry. Now it was angry and hungry so I walked to Uprising Bread and had an amazing lunch on their little patio. I sat in the sunshine and smiled at the beauty and wonderfulness of my life. Everything has been so perfect!
This evening I've been spending it with my cousin Nadine who is home for a short while before heading out to the Yukon to test the C02 in the ice fields (she's so cool! :D). I love this girl :)

She's so awesome! I wish we lived closer together. She was supposed to move back this summer but she's got a sweetie in Ottawa so she won't be moving back quite yet. As long as she is happy, I am happy :)
I might have a tough time going back to school... I've had such a wonderful week. Work is so chill... at work I get to review quite a bit of what I know. I am constantly searching my brain for information and calling it up. I am amazed as to how much I remember! I am going to bring muscle charts to work so I can glance over at them.

After school I've been enjoying going out with friends. I have a social life! Matteo and I have also started to shoot together. I even put together an
album where we both upload our photos. I used to think I was quite good at photography but then I look at his photos and I realize that I have A LOT to learn still. I am getting better though... he's been gracious enough to give me pointers and I soak them up like a sponge. It'll be tough to go back to school... but I think I might also find a new inspiration and drive with this time off! I am so happy!
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