Monday, April 14, 2008

11 hours and counting

Well the time has finally arrived. My little brother is leaving for 120 days in Europe in approximately 11 hours. Yesterday we had a brother and sister day where we went for bunch and then went shopping for the last few items that he might need (like shoes). It was great to get to hang out with him... it also reminded me that I am going to miss him very very much.
Today I stayed home so that I could be there to give him a hand every once in a while. Being the man he is... he didn't start packing until two hours ago :) that's ok though he seems to have the most of it together.
He's chosen to blog in order to keep everyone updated. Much easier then sending out mass e-mails. I am looking forward to reading about his and Dasha's adventures. Dasha is my brothers girlfriend. They are travelling together. She's a real sweetheart so I think it'll be good for them to travel together. There's no denying it though travelling is the true test for a relationship. Fortunately they're both two strong people so they'll be able to deal with what ever comes their way.
I kinda feel bad for my brother cuz he's getting the "how to" travel from both my Mom and I. Both of us have different ways to travel. Mine being more laid back then Mom's. Hopefully he can find a nice balance... Still Mom's having him bring the currency colostomy bag. She even gave him a demonstration for how it works and explained the ins and outs of it. When I went to Australia, I took one with me but NEVER wore it! I also went against the grain for many things and my trip was unbelievable. Hopefully Stephy will have a similar experience.
Anyways I am going to get up bright and early tomorrow morning because Dasha and Stephy have to be at the airport for 7AM. I remember how awesome it was to have the family wave me off when I left for Australia. It'll be great to be there to wave him off though I can almost guarantee that it'll bring a tear to my eye. Heck I already did today but he doesn't know that :P sshhhh.

**Picture was taken this afternoon. Stephy and I made a banana split with Neapolitan ice cream, mini marshmallows, M&M's, bananas, strawberries, fudge, melted chocolate and sprinkles. Of course Minette wanted in on the food action. The look on her face is priceless.

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