A few months ago I got an invite to the World Wide Pillow Fight Club 3.0 on Facebook. I figured... sure why the hell not. Pillow fights are pretty rockin' and as adults we hardly ever get to whack each other with pillows! Today was finally the day for the pillow fight. I chose my least favorite pillow and off I went with it cleverly concealed in my BYOB (bring your own bag - this one's mine) bag.
I got there a bit early and had a look around. BCIT had this promotion thing for their open house where they had a big board that they got people to write their dream career on it. I was a bit tentative to write mine because what if it doesn't come true? Well it's a dream right? And the more you write about it and work towards it, the more likely it's going to come true. So I wrote down "Buisness owner of holistic womens health clinic." I even misspelled business, forgot "a" and didn't put and apostrophe to women's. Ha ha :) How embarrassing! Oh well it's a start!When 3pm hit, someone yelled "PILLOW FIGHT" and everyone started whacking each other with pillows. It was hilarious! Feathers were flying everywhere and everyone was laughing and having a great time. It was really great to be there and experience this. Such simple things can make such a large crowd of people so happy. It's what I like to see. Of course I brought my camera with me and the smugmug album for it is here.
Next year I want to do it all again... except I will be more free and I won't do it between coats on paint. Yes I've spent the majority of today renovating the basement. One more coat to go and it'll be time to put things back into place. I am quite looking forward to this as the basement is a total mess! I can't even find the couch or TV to watch a movie tonight!
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