Change in schedule
Well reading break is over with and school started with a bang. Two mid terms and clinic... hoof. Good thing I was rested! Strangely enough I find myself sitting here at 10:30pm having just gotten home from clinic with quite a bit of energy. Maybe it's because I am very excited about going to bed. No, I am not going to bed with anyone, that's not why I am excited. But rather last night I had the most amazing night of sleep. It was rockin'. So hopefully tonight will be a repeat.
This second half of level 4oo is going to be an interesting one. I have clinic on tuesdays and thursdays at Aurora which is terribly exciting! I had asked Randy if it would be possible to only do Aurora and no Friends for Life. I think he wanted me to shut up so he put me on ALL of the Aurora shifts so now I have clinic twice a week as opposed to once. I enjoy it and it gives me good experience so I am happy. I also want to show Randy that he no longer phases me. Annette has also asked me to attend a clinic shift this saturday afternoon. We'll see if I pick up more saturday shifts as well. Anyways tuesday/thursdays are going to be long days because I leave home at 7:30am and don't get home until 10:30pm with no down time in between. Fortunately it's worked out so that on wednesdays I don't have class :) Youpii! This will give me some time to do homework (or make great plans for homework and then not do any) and maybe even some working out.Yesterday I went for a walk with Teako, Tigger and Franky. We'd talked about trail running and I've done a bit here and there with Teako. I've enjoyed it every time. Yesterday I decided to run off with Teaks (and Tigger but he was a bit slower) to see if he could run through this tunnel we'd found... anyways didn't work but it had me running on the trails again and I loved it! I ran some more afterwards but had to stop because I remembered Franky who was behind (he didn't run... guess he didn't want to make it seem like he was running after me). I'd like to take up trail running again. I'd mentioned this to Franky but he's in better shape then I am and I am sure he'd run circles around me. Either that or I'd try really hard to keep up and end up killing myself (this would probably be the most likely scenario... except replace killing with throwing up).
Anyways time for sleep. YAY sleep :)
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