Paradise withdrawal
I go through it every year when I come back from Hawaii. I just came back this morning. It was hard to leave. Maja, Darla and I decided it was like leaving a good friend that you only visit once in a while behind. I guess that's true in more ways then one. While you're there, you make friends and the bonds are so strong because you're there, uninhibited, and you're happy. Then you leave. Good bye should be getting easier. In reality it doesn't. Sometimes you learn to get less attached to those you meet but that's not always possible.I woke up from my nap this afternoon and I cried. My hands and feet are cold (they weren't in Hawaii, not even once) and I'm cold. I want to go home to Hawaii. This time I went it really felt like a second home. I knew almost everything and it just felt like I was coming home. Just like last year I've got to promise myself not to make any decisions for three weeks after I come back because they'll most likely be silly ones (last time I almost left for Denmark... why Denmark? Because it's not Vancouver). I've been back for 7 hours and I've already leafed through the Lets Go Europe travel guide and looked over the map of Europe (mostly to orient myself and see where my new friends are from). Hopefully when I work Thursday it'll keep my mind off being back and I'll get over it that much faster. Or I might just have to leave for Hawaii again. :)
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