Maui memories
In no particular order... just writing these as they come to mind. Will add more as I think of more.Sleeping in the Oahu airport for 10 hours. It was actually not as long and boring as we thought it might be. The floor was a little hard but it's an open airport so there's plenty of fresh Hawaiian air. I am sure that helped us sleep.
Facing giants at little beach. Large waves would come crashing in. I'd stand there in the water, watching them come, letting them get as close to me as possible before ducking under them and feeling the power of the wave flow around my body.
Fish tacos! Everywhere! We've contemplated starting a book which rates all fish tacos everywhere on Maui. So far, our favorites are the ones in Whalers Village near Kanapali and the number one (in my books anyways) is from the Jaws fish taco stand just before Big beach/little beach. It's mandatory to have some before going to the beach! Even if you're going to burp them up all day long because you didn't digest properly and ran straight into the water once you got there.
Hanging my hammock in a tree, overlooking other trees, little beach and the ocean. I would have loved to take a picture of this because it was perfection! I just didn't bring my camera to the beach so that it didn't get sand in it. Also you're not allowed to take pictures on the nude beach because other nudists don't appreciate it. Understandable.Mio principe, Cesare aka Ceasar Salad. I learnt a couple of words in Italian thanks to my travel romance.
"An other beautiful day in paradise." Every morning, one of the guys from the hostel (I never really got to see who because he was either behind foliage or walls when he said this) would greet other guests at the hostel with this in the morning. When he'd say this, I would always smile and my heart would swell with happiness. It's so true.Two flat tires in the middle of butt fuck nowhere Maui :) Both on the passenger side. Did we freak out... not particularly. We figured the damage was done and stressing out would only make the situation even more difficult for one an other. We happened to break down where we could watch the sunset. Once we called the towing company, we blasted music, danced and watched the sunset. Couldn't have been a more perfect accident :) I love my girls.
The team work I had with Darla navigating around the island (she drove, I navigated. Never raised our voice once, stayed friends and strengthened our friendship).
Getting tossed around the waves with Darla and Maja at nudebeach in Paia. Laughing so hard that I almost threw up (could have also been how much salt water I'd eaten). The waves were so powerful that when you'd crawl away from the ocean you'd get hit again, roll around in the wave and get sand EVERYWHERE. I think it took is a day or two to wash all of the sand out of our hair.All the good food we had! It was amazing meal after amazing meal! I can't recall the last time I'd eaten so well so many days in a row. Hostel favorites: pancakes with papaya mango chutney with fresh made syrup from local sugar we'd gotten for free at the sugar museum. Also, fresh papaya, sliced in half, seeded, with two scoops of yoghurt and a sprinkle of granola on top. YUM!
Eating fresh pineapple while standing at the edge of the ocean, butt naked on little beach, not caring that pineapple juice was running down my face, arms and body. Then going for a swim to clean off.
'Yacutzzi' (jacuzzi said with an italian accent). Cesare making a 'home made' yacutzzi in the ocean by taking both this hands and trapping air and bringing it under the water under himself.
Seeing 7 sea turtles from the beach and the rocks in less then an hour.
Swimming in the ocean and seeing sea turtles swim by you!Breaking the hostel hammock. After two bottles of wine, all three of us were piled in the hammock, laying there, rocking gently, relaxing, while our laundry was being done. All of a sudden, boom, we were on the ground. It took us a couple of seconds to realize what happened then we just bust into laughter. In the end we just broke a bolt, the hammock was fine so we didn't feel too bad.
"So what are you guys here for?" Says a hosteller who knew about our car oops and who witnessed us breaking the hammock. "We're here to break stuff." It kind of became true :) We broke lots of things. Not ourselves, luckily, because I didn't have insurance ;)
Having a nap on the beach, not caring that I was rolling around in the sand, most likely exposing myself (at a non nude beach...) and waking up with sand in my mouth. Along with MANY other naps on the beach.
Kayaking to the Mokes (I think this is what it was called) with Darla. Awesome teamwork and a fantastic destination. An other nap on the beach, getting caught in the rain, watching a rainbow appear between the Mokes, then hanging out on surfboards until I got sea nautious with Maja.Dominik Sashimi! He was an other hosteller, also a friend of Ceasar Salad. How he got the nickname? He was staying in a different room with an older Japanese guy who was sleeping. We were drunk and he was contemplating going back to his room but was afraid to because the old Japanses man would turn Dominik into Sashimi for waking him up. I think you had to be there... but we hung out with Sashimi and Ceasar Salad our entire trip :)
"Hey, what's up" "I'm marinating." Our new saying that we're bringing back to Canada. It's when you're just chilling out :)The night Michael Jackson passed away, a couple of us at the hostel drank in his honour, sang and danced to his music. There couldn't have been a better way to remember MJ. (Photo: French Canadian, Luca and Maja moon walking on the picnic table at the hostel).
Going to dinner with my girls, noticing a large frog (or toad) hopping on the sidewalk. Became fond of little frog. On our way back from dinner, we notice a fresh road killed frog, right about where we saw our friend the frog on our way to dinner :( Poor frog. Was subsequently amused that frog in Italian is Rana... lol the frog got ranaed over :P
Being with my girls for a whole 10 days and still loving them to bits afterwards!
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