Sunday, January 20, 2008

I try, try to get it right but it feels so right to get it wrong

It's the weekend again! YAY! But this weekend there's no fooling around just serious study business! Ok so I might go out and take my camera out for a walk.
Nothings been too exciting... but that's quite fine. Apparently that feeling of uneasiness turned out to be a pretty yucky tummy bug. It was weird because I wasn't feeling 100% (you know when somethings wrong but you can't quite figure out what it is) on Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday evening Darla needed a guiney pig so she could practice manual lymph drainage (MLD) and I said I'd do it. It was quite a neat experience... I was already looking froward to learning MLD but now even more so. We went for dinner and as soon as I got on the bus, I felt like throwing up. That feeling didn't go away for an other day and a half. It was so bizarre.
Friday I attempted school but came back home and slept for the better part of the day. Saturday I went to school and traded my clinic shift with Rosie (it was supposed to be at Friends for Life... they're immunosuppressed and if you're slightly sick they'll pick it up).
with her hands. Yep this was the teacher I was afraid of Instead yesterday I stayed and did clinic at school. Actually it was more like review time. Over lunch, Pam, Jen, Kristine and I made a list of things that we needed to practice: anterior neck work, massage in sidelying, bolstering, iliopsoas work, rib springing... the list was quite long. Often times we get introduced to different techniques and we only have one class to play with it then it's on to something else. Unless you have a massage someone who will come over at any time to practice then it's quite hard to keep on top of things. It was fantastic to get to review! Not only that but we had Annette and Jamie as teachers. Now Annette is fantastic! She's our systemic treatment teacher so I really like her... she also knows SO MUCH and is very talentedearlier in level 200... she is intimidating but I think it's because of how knowledgeable she is. Anyways yesterday afternoon was the best review/hands on time I've probably ever had! The other girls really liked taking some time to review as well so I think this will happen more often.
Anyways now it's time for homework... next week's feature is three quizzes and one midquarter. Welcome back. I also want to be all studied up so I can go to some live music on saturday and some salsa on sunday but we'll see how that pans out.

*Blog title from Glass of right and wrong by Joanna Chapman Smith.

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