Courage of a lion!
Or maybe just a little kitten... but I am working on it! Today my challenge for myself was ask strangers if I could take pictures of them (Gallery). I was pleasantly surprised at the response I got (maybe it's because I was handing out my business card so they can check out the pics). The first people I asked where the construction workers that are renovating the building that our class looks out to. I'd never been to the front of the building but over lunch I checked it out. I love old buildings they have so much more character. The guys were super nice too. A few came out to talk to me and this one guy brought me inside to show me what they apartments will look like (the plan, not the actual ones... the place is still gutted). It was frustrating though because I had to run off to class... or else I would have asked if he could show me the other floors (I was on the main one where merchants are goin
g to be).
School went well today. I only had Neurotreatment (no morning classes cuz I've already done A&P 400). Today we learnt about strokes and how to move a patient who might be quadriplegic or who can't move on their own. That was really neat! I should practice more though. Anyone want to help?
After school I walked to main and terminal instead of taking the skytrain. It's finally starting to be light out later so it's safer for me to walk on my own. We've also had some stunning weather lately and I try to enjoy it as much as I can. On my way to the bus, I stopped and asked these two guys if I could take pictures of them practicing tricks with their bikes. This was fun to do but I was nervous and fumbly with my camera. Tee hee I'm such a loser. I'm sure it didn't help that they were good looking either.
Other then that, nothing too much has been new. Yesterday I took pictures at Cafe Medina... an amazing little cafe that opened up a week ago near our school. Also, I've got things on my heart and mind so... yeah. Haven't been able to get back into the groove of studying but love going to class. Stopped bringing my laptop to school so I can pay attention in class (it's made a difference mark wise so far... amazing what you take in when you're forced to pay attention). Going to bed before 7 tonight cuz I'm cool like that. Tired of trying to keep myself awake in class (past few days I've had 5 hours or less of sleep). Hoping to get a good 12 hours in this evening *bliss*.
1 comment:
i like the bmx pics!
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