Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Almost snow day!
Yesterday was awesome! I woke up and it was like a winter wonderland outside. Over night we got a pretty good dumping of snow (for Vancouver... the rest of Canada would have laughed at us) and of course the city pretty much shut down. Most, if not all, of the major schools were closed... being our school is on the disorganized side I didn't know if we were open or closed (we don't have a rule for snow days... it's more of a "show up to school... if the doors are locked, go home" rule).
I set off for school with just my camera. No books, no nothing. I figured we'd be closed. I found the treck to school quite entertaining. People are so grumpy when things don't go as planed! I figure sit back, relax, you'll get there when you'll get there. I did however lose my patience a little when standing on the platform at Main street skytrain station. The platform was packed and there was a couple with a stroller who was waiting before I got there. Seven skytrains later and not much had changed. The little one was getting impatient (rightfully so) so I ended up being the jerk ass that yelled out to everyone who was packed like sardines on the skytrain to let the stroller and the parents on. People listened.... see there was room after all you just have to spoon your neighbor a little bit more :)
School wasn't closed. I was disappointed. Our class consisted of 5 people in the AM class and 4 in the PM class. Luckily they let us out early because at 12 it started to snow again. By 3 I was at Queen Elizabeth Park taking pictures :) Funny enough the sky cleared up and it was a stunning afternoon! For the first time, I saw it snow when there were no clouds in the sky. This baffled me. It still does! How can it snow when it's clear blue sky?! Pretty neat, I think. Anyways I had a super time running around in the snow taking pictures.
Today's not a snow day but it's definitely a slush day! No class this AM so I get to study (or blog). We're getting our roof redone and the person who's here to give us an estimate on how much will cost is real cute :) So it makes for good eye candy while he walks around. Anyways best get back to studying.
Posted by
9:19 AM
Monday, January 28, 2008
This definition sounds like a fantasy story!
"The phylum of the kingdom Protista that includes unicellular, animal like microorganisms. Many protozoa are saprophytes that live on dead matter in water and in soil. Many parasitic protozoa infect only humans without adequate immunological defenses..."
Tee hee :) Sometimes my medical dictionary is fun! I still need a simpler answer to what a protozoa is. It also told me that it's the plural of protozoon and when I looked that up, it said pertaining to protozoa. Unicellular organism. Yep I figured that much :)
Posted by
2:28 PM
Yesterday was a day of firsts! For the first time I spent the ENTIRE DAY IN BED! Ok so I did make my way home from Pams and I did get up to eat but otherwise I did nothing :) I slept, I surfed the net (reading up on Science of Mind and other things) and just plain old enjoying the day. During all of this, I had Kate Reid's CD on repeat. It was great! I didn't touch homework either.
Today I don't have to leave home! No naturopath appointments, nothing. I've migrated to my work desk though because I do want to get a bit of studying in today. This week doesn't look like it'll be too stressful... just a quiz in systemic treatment and a midquarter in spinal treatment. One thing I will do this week though is buy a guitar. After saturday night I've decided that I want to pick up playing guitar. Whether acoustic or classical, I am not too sure yet. Classical does seem to be a better fit, yet I found this amazing acoustic guitar on craigslist. We'll see how it all pans out :)
Posted by
12:07 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Less work more play!
After last night I am thinking I should keep slacking off :) I'm enjoying this way too much! There has got to be a way that I can organize myself that allows me for play time on the weekends and study time during the week. I think that is they key right there... study during the week.
Last night was nuts... my tired brain is having trouble recalling everything that happened! Course there was the usual school (which was actually quite painful... Sat AM class is not an inspiring one) and clinic afterwards. Pam and I then met up at Cafe Montmartre for some live music. Joanna Chapman Smith was amazing! She sang two new songs (well new to me) and then she sang A glass of right and wrong! I'd only had that song stuck in my head all week but it was nice to hear it live :) Kate Reid played after her and she was awesome! Pam and I had heard her play last time we ended up at the railway club and then she'd only played a few songs. At the end of the gig, everyone left except for Pam and myself and the girls (Joanna and Kate) were setting down. They took some time to talk to us and it was nice to get to know them a little bit better. It's interesting because sometimes it almost feels like you know a bit about a certain artist because you've heard their music. I guess it allows a bit of glimpse into their lives and who they are. Both are really amazing women and it was great to talk to them. Very down to earth, very real.
Pam and I stayed behind at Montmartre and waited for Mary Jean to meet up with us. It was neat cuz we had the place to ourselves and the owner came and talked with us for a while. Finally we set off for Ceilis where we met up with Ayden, Steve and an other of Steve's friend (I can't remember his name). There we partied until they kicked us out (we were the last ones out... again). It was great because my friend Aaron works there and so it was good to catch up with him. Between then and sleep stuff happened but it was quite a blurr. All I know was that I looked at my cellphone and it was 5:55am. I fell asleep an hour or so after that.
This still didn't stop me from waking up at 9am to see if people wanted to go out for more live music and brunch. After all Lilly Come Down was playing and I really enjoy their music too! Sadly no one was responsive so I went back to bed.
Two hours of busing later and I found myself home. It always makes me chuckle when I am dragging my ass around on public transit with only a few hours of sleep and the remnants of last nights alcohol still coursing through my body. I know I probably look pretty rough and it sure must be a contrast to all of those morning people who look all bright eyed and bushy tailed. Heck I'm normally one of those.
Posted by
12:36 PM
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ok so here's a downside of having a few of your teachers of Fbook. My status was "Janelle is laughing at her note taking. Who puts (look up: WTF hemiplegia) in their notes?"... because really who writes WTF next to words they have to look up in their medical dictionary? Apparently I do. And apparently my teacher for this class read my status and sent me a message saying "Love the note taking............"
Ha ha woops! On the plus side at least he knows I'm reviewing my notes and studying for the midquarter tomorrow. Pressure's on to ace it now :)
Posted by
11:53 PM
I *heart* systemic treatment
Yeah it's my favorite class :D We had it today and it just puts me in the swellest of moods. Today we started women's health studies! I'm excited! Woo.
Ok now I have to study for neurotreatment not so exciting but I have a midquarter tomorrow. I also kinda bombed the quiz (well 69%... not the 75% I needed to pass) so this'll be important that I ace it. I need a dummy to practice on though.... I need a massage slave that can come over when ever I need it.
Posted by
6:03 PM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Courage of a lion!
Or maybe just a little kitten... but I am working on it! Today my challenge for myself was ask strangers if I could take pictures of them (Gallery). I was pleasantly surprised at the response I got (maybe it's because I was handing out my business card so they can check out the pics). The first people I asked where the construction workers that are renovating the building that our class looks out to. I'd never been to the front of the building but over lunch I checked it out. I love old buildings they have so much more character. The guys were super nice too. A few came out to talk to me and this one guy brought me inside to show me what they apartments will look like (the plan, not the actual ones... the place is still gutted). It was frustrating though because I had to run off to class... or else I would have asked if he could show me the other floors (I was on the main one where merchants are goin
g to be).
School went well today. I only had Neurotreatment (no morning classes cuz I've already done A&P 400). Today we learnt about strokes and how to move a patient who might be quadriplegic or who can't move on their own. That was really neat! I should practice more though. Anyone want to help?
After school I walked to main and terminal instead of taking the skytrain. It's finally starting to be light out later so it's safer for me to walk on my own. We've also had some stunning weather lately and I try to enjoy it as much as I can. On my way to the bus, I stopped and asked these two guys if I could take pictures of them practicing tricks with their bikes. This was fun to do but I was nervous and fumbly with my camera. Tee hee I'm such a loser. I'm sure it didn't help that they were good looking either.
Other then that, nothing too much has been new. Yesterday I took pictures at Cafe Medina... an amazing little cafe that opened up a week ago near our school. Also, I've got things on my heart and mind so... yeah. Haven't been able to get back into the groove of studying but love going to class. Stopped bringing my laptop to school so I can pay attention in class (it's made a difference mark wise so far... amazing what you take in when you're forced to pay attention). Going to bed before 7 tonight cuz I'm cool like that. Tired of trying to keep myself awake in class (past few days I've had 5 hours or less of sleep). Hoping to get a good 12 hours in this evening *bliss*.
Posted by
6:27 PM
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
And I am not talking about cheating on exams. I'm talking about in relationships. I always thought it was pretty straight froward. You kiss, flirt or fuck someone else that's cheating. But this weekend I was talking to some people and I was quite bothered by what I found out.
One had said that during her last relationship she'd kissed other guys on many occasions (I can't recall whether she called this cheating or not). Instead of being met by looks of disapproval, the other people laughed and quite a few agreed that they'd done/are doing the same. I was appalled. Unless you're in an open relationship, that's not acceptable. Then again maybe I'm too prudish.
So this was on my mind quite a bit and when I went to my naturopath, I asked him where he stood with all of this. What he said makes sense and it helped me put it into perspective. There are different levels of cheating. It also depends on the individuals in the relationship and the type of relationship (monogamous vs. open relationships). This one book he read said that bumping and grinding with someone in a club could be considered cheating, as could a flirtatious glance. Anything that has a potential sexual vibe to it is considered cheating. Anywhere from kissing to sleeping with someone is definitely cheating. But what he said (and I'd never really looked at it this way) was that someone can be emotionally cheating on you.
That one really hit home. How many times was I in a relationship where emotionally the guy wasn't in the relationship? Ok so not THAT many times but I can think of a couple. There's nothing worse then kissing a guy and he's just not passionate back (and he used to be). If this goes on for a while (by while I mean a few days... gotta sleep on it, make sure you're not over reacting), then you ask them what's up and they say nothing. Gah!
Anyways so what do I think of cheating now? I still stand my ground on the kissing someone else is cheating. Bumping and grinding with someone however isn't. It is if you get her number.
Posted by
7:02 PM
Monday, January 21, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Two years ago...
If you would have told me that I'd be spending countless hours studying neuroanatomy I'd tell you that you were full of shit and I'd never go into any profession that would require that much studying... never mind of the nervous system! That's complicated shit man!
Well here I am... spending countless hours studying neuroanatomy. It gets really frustrating. I can sit in class and I'm ok with that. It's going home and then looking at my 10 pages of notes and going... What the fuck does all of this mean?! Anyways that's what I'm doing now... ok enough whining, back to studying.
Posted by
5:51 PM
I try, try to get it right but it feels so right to get it wrong
It's the weekend again! YAY! But this weekend there's no fooling around just serious study business! Ok so I might go out and take my camera out for a walk.
Nothings been too exciting... but that's quite fine. Apparently that feeling of uneasiness turned out to be a pretty yucky tummy bug. It was weird because I wasn't feeling 100% (you know when somethings wrong but you can't quite figure out what it is) on Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday evening Darla needed a guiney pig so she could practice manual lymph drainage (MLD) and I said I'd do it. It was quite a neat experience... I was already looking froward to learning MLD but now even more so. We went for dinner and as soon as I got on the bus, I felt like throwing up. That feeling didn't go away for an other day and a half. It was so bizarre.
Friday I attempted school but came back home and slept for the better part of the day. Saturday I went to school and traded my clinic shift with Rosie (it was supposed to be at Friends for Life... they're immunosuppressed and if you're slightly sick they'll pick it up).
with her hands. Yep this was the teacher I was afraid of Instead yesterday I stayed and did clinic at school. Actually it was more like review time. Over lunch, Pam, Jen, Kristine and I made a list of things that we needed to practice: anterior neck work, massage in sidelying, bolstering, iliopsoas work, rib springing... the list was quite long. Often times we get introduced to different techniques and we only have one class to play with it then it's on to something else. Unless you have a massage someone who will come over at any time to practice then it's quite hard to keep on top of things. It was fantastic to get to review! Not only that but we had Annette and Jamie as teachers. Now Annette is fantastic! She's our systemic treatment teacher so I really like her... she also knows SO MUCH and is very talentedearlier in level 200... she is intimidating but I think it's because of how knowledgeable she is. Anyways yesterday afternoon was the best review/hands on time I've probably ever had! The other girls really liked taking some time to review as well so I think this will happen more often.
Anyways now it's time for homework... next week's feature is three quizzes and one midquarter. Welcome back. I also want to be all studied up so I can go to some live music on saturday and some salsa on sunday but we'll see how that pans out.
*Blog title from Glass of right and wrong by Joanna Chapman Smith.
Posted by
10:31 AM
Friday, January 18, 2008
Dreamin' of a new tattoo
I was told "Be careful, once you get inked, you'll want to get inked again." They were right. Shortly after my first tattoo healed, I wanted my second one. So far I've been good and I haven't gotten it done yet. Jesse, my tattoo artist is no longer working at Free Range. He's moved on again but this time I can't seem to track him down. Probably time to find a new one... Danielle and Christel seem to have an amazing one out in the Peg... so maybe next time I go there.
I've want to get a swallow flying through cherry blossoms and petals... and so far I haven't changed my mind. I imagine this is a good thing because once it's on... it's on! Where I'd put it has been a bit of a different story. Initially I wanted it along my ribs (petals and flowers starting at the bottom of my breast and then going all the way to the bottom of my ribs)... Many people have told me that that is painful as hell! After doing some rib springing and other therapeutic techniques around there I don't know if I could handle the pain. So an other place (well two, haven't narrowed it down yet) would be a little behind my hip or at the bottom of my neck, top of my back. Downside to on my back/hip (aka love handles) is that I've already got a tattoo in the small of my back and it might look too cluttered. Downside to my bottom of my neck/upper back is that it would be smaller and more visible... and after looking at pictures of me with long hair and short hair... I think I'll be sportin the short hair look more often so it'll be exposed.
Anyways I imagine this'll keep me awake for a while so I better go to sleep now...
*I found the pic of the tattoo above while looking for pretty sparrows/swallows... this had neither but is a stunning tattoo!
Posted by
9:02 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Bye bye Girls... (this post may contain too much information :) )
Yep it's sad but true. My girls are slowly leaving me... and by girls I mean breasts :( All this started when I got off the pill about 7 and a half months ago. My weight (which I thought was my normal weight because I'd been on the pill since I was 15) stayed about the same until about two months ago or so... and then people started commenting that I was looking healthier and fitter (I don't weigh myself because I figure as long as I feel healthy and look healthy, that's all that matters). This could also be due to the fact that I was also going to the gym at this time and have been going at least twice a week since then (except over x-mas... oops). Anyways I also noticed a big difference in breast size too... I think this is what I lost first. I'm not overly impressed :( Now this morning I was stuck with the dilemma of not having any bras that fit! So today, I go bra shopping and it's not particularly for the right reasons... I also don't know what to do with my now too big bras... do I keep them for when I get pregnant or in case I go back on the pill (I STRONGLY doubt that will happen)? Ah well life's little dilemmas.
Though all of this is slightly frustrating I'd never get back on the pill. Things that I thought were normal were apparently all just part of being on the pill. Finally after 7 months most of the side effects are wearing off. Things like dangerously high blood pressure, hypoglycemia and anxiety attacks are pretty much gone. There are still a few kinks that I'm working on but they (naturopaths) say that it could take up to a year and a half.
I'm terribly excited about no longer being hypoglycemic! That shit controls your life! At my worst I wasn't able to go to the kitchen from my bedroom in the morning. I just didn't have enough energy. I'd have to lay in the staircase until I'd be able to muster enough energy to make it the rest of the way to the kitchen. I was able to manage my hypoglycemia though eating but if I didn't eat when I was hungry I'd either pass out or get so hungry that I'd no longer be hungry, throw up then pass out. It sucked. And yes, I did go to a doctor but mine didn't put one and one together (not even after 3 years of visits...).
Actually now writing and remembering all of my adventures with hypoglycemia and anxiety attacks makes me realize that losing a cup size isn't the end of the world and if anything I should be proud of them.
Posted by
6:54 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Inhale, exhale... life moves on.
And I'm going to bed! Or will be soon. Today has been a terribly odd day. I got up with the sun (well before cuz it's still winter) to do a bit of homework and then go to the gym. Once at the gym, I couldn't warm up (despite working harder at cardio then I have in a while... I'm all about pushing myself. Maybe too much sometimes). I tried a few exercises but my heart wasn't into it. Kinda half assed my whole work out then went for a veggie sandwich and shake at Benny's. I am sure she shake didn't help... at least it was yogurt. For the rest of the day I've found me to be quite spacey. Neurotreatment was interesting yet I can't remember anything that we did. It feels like it's very late but sadly it's only 5pm. I might watch a bit of TV... No hockey tonight but there is some tomorrow. Ah well early to bed it is.
So far the highlight of my day has been this. Thanks Donna :)
Posted by
5:18 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Sensei Fishy
Who would have thought that a little Beta fish would brighten up our school so much? It's nice because people are gathering around his fish bowl and are talking to each other. It's not too often that the classes mingle... we're just so busy doing our own thing that we never really take the time.
This morning we were greeted by Sensei Fishy and he was alive! He survived the weekend! :) He did have a cluster of bubbles at the top of his bowl... It was weird cuz they didn't pop or anything like that. I figured I'd call the pet store where we got him from to find out if he was sick or something like that.
During lunch I met Mike (the 5th guy in our school...) and he informed me that what Sensei Fishy did was that he built a nest! He's actually looking for a lady Beta to make babies with. Oops sorry Sensei... no lady fish here. I wonder if maybe it's because of all the estrogen in our school. He probably senses it and figures there's lots of ladies around so he should make himself a nest for the babies that he'll be making. Poor guy... if only he knew we were people.
Posted by
7:12 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
One month to Valentines Day!
Yeah usually I don't get overly excited about valentines day; certainly when I am single. Last year something interesting happened and I'd like to start/continue this tradition.
Last year, Paul and I broke up sometime in mid January so Valentines Day 2007 was especially tender. I didn't hermit or get vengeful... instead I treated myself to some yoga that evening. While on the skytrain on my way to yoga there were these people who were handing out flowers to people who looked sad or that could use a pick me upper. Apparently I was one of these. One of the guys came up to me and gave me a beautiful yellow rose, gave me a hug and wished me Happy Valentines Day. Though it did make me teary eyed, it wasn't because I was sad but because I was blown away at the niceness (new word :P) of this gesture. It changed the rest of my day (well evening... it was late but what ever :) )! Apparently it's the second year that these people go around and give flowers to people on Valentines day. Some of them were even couples!
I really liked this idea so I think I am going to do it this year. It might be a little bit tricky because it's a very busy day. I've got a full day at school and then from 6 to 9pm I am going to be at Aurora for an outreach. I thought about switching shifts but I'd rather be there for those women. They too will be alone on Valentines Day. Not only that but I am single I might as well be there... the other girls have boyfriends (well except for Pam and Joy) and I am sure they'd want to spend the evening with them.
So tomorrow I am going to go to Costco to see how much flowers cost. I'll also get a feel for how many people would want to do this with me (if any)... And being it's going to be a busy day, we'll have to do it over lunch... anyways it'll be doable just tight. Anyways if anyone reads this and is interested, drop me a line :) doesn't matter whether you know me or not.
Posted by
9:04 PM
Salsa Dancing & Drunken Shenanigans
Saturday after a full day of school and clinic orientation, Pam and I set off for her place with a liter and a half of wine. Time to let loose and dance the night away... Actually we had a nap first cuz we're cool like that. Once refreshed, dressed, fed and slightly tipsy, Steve (Pam's roommate), Aden (Steve's friend), Pam and I set off for the library. This was the first time Steve, Aden and Pam had ever done any salsa dancing (other then the few basic steps I'd shown them in the kitchen at Pams) and they did really well! Sure it was more of a mix of salsa and swing but who cares! Everyone had a great time. Joy (an other classmate) met u
p with us while we were there. I danced quite a bit with Steve and was very impressed as to how much he picked up just by looking at other people dance. He put together this one move (which I think was a combination of 4 spins and a dip) and this became our signature move of the night.
Eventually Joey and Christel joined us and we made our way to the Blarney Stone. Once we saw the lineup the decided to check out the Modern... Line up there was quite long so we settled for drinks at Chill Winston. The guys had sobered up by this time... I was well on my way. Surprisingly enough the drinking and salsa dancing weren't too much of a problem (if anything it may have helped me go with the flow a little more and not over analyze like I usually do). Eventually Chill Winston shut down for the night and we ran into Ben, one of our instructors. Amber and an other teacher was there as well... you think this would have been weird but it wasn't for me (I think it might have been for Amber though, she seemed a bit uncomfortable)... maybe it was the booze.
We made our way to Section (3) and Brix and eventually went home. I think the rest of the crew wanted to keep drinking but I was overdone... one foot on the floor was mandatory by this time or else the spins were too much to handle. I passed out for about 3 hours and then made my way home (while still drunk, wanted to avoid busing for an hour and a half with a hang over).
Luckily there was an amazing breakfast at my place the following AM and that mixed with a lot of water and a nap and I avoided a hangover all together :)
Today I've been doing homework and cleaning up. I found out that the black cat that looks a lot like Minette is now living next door. The lady there decided to start feeding him and now he pretty much lives there. Minette won't eat her regular cat food anymore so I went over to give them Minette's old food. The other cat sprayed me so now I smell like cat spray (even after changing and taking a shower). I think when Minette goes it'll be hard to have this cat as a neighbor because he looks very very much like Minette. I'm still trying to accept what's going on with Minette but it's tough.
Posted by
12:48 PM
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Are you crazy to want this even for a while?
Again, more lyrics, this time from the song Strange Days from Matthew Good Band. As I signed onto MSN this evening, Jesse sent me the link of the youtube video to this song. Jesse knows that I'm on a quest for good new music (check out this... he sent it to me a while ago and I still listen to it lots. Very pretty!). Though this isn't new to me (got lots of MGB on my iPod) it was a nice reminder that it's a pretty song. Depressing though which isn't at all like my day was. I thought the title of my blog was quite poignant though because it's a question I often wonder.
Today I had a funny thought... I thought it would be nice to be a hydrotherapy teacher at Utopia Academy when I grad. Why hydrotherapy? Well we've had not so good teachers (Susanne was a great person but... not so much for hydro) for hydro and I think it's something that's hugely beneficial you just have to know about it and understand the benefits. Then while at the Aurora orientation, I was thinking I should be a clinic supervisor for this outreach. I love being at Aurora so much. I am actually going to go talk to Randy tomorrow to see if he can switch my Friends for Life clinic shifts for Aurora clinic shifts. It's not that I dislike Friends for Life, it's that I prefer Aurora. The people at Aurora are also more of the type of people I want to work with. Anyways we'll see how that will go. Hopefully he won't shoot it down.
School today was great too. We had A FULL DAY OF SYSTEMIC TREATMENT! Today we learnt all about HIV/AIDS and how to treat people with this condition. Next class we start on women's health... first up breast care. YAY! Finally something that I am really looking forward to doing!
Pam and I went to the Chinese Gardens to eat our lunch. Sure it wasn't a very pretty day but they are very pretty gardens and it makes for a nice change from the classroom. I brought my camera (which goes everywhere with me) so I took some pics. They can be found on my smugmug account...
Aurora orientation was great. I got to show the girls how to get to Women's Hospital and somewhere along the way I got the nick name Mama Goose. We'll see if it sticks :) If it does, I'm fine with that. It's actually kind of cute (and true). Anyways I am warming up to my new class. It's always kind of hard to be new in a group of women who have been quite close for a year already. I'm naturally quite shy in large groups so it takes an extra bit of time for me.
Posted by
7:49 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A boy with a coin he crammed in his jeans, then making a wish he tossed in the sea
Funk all done. After an early to bed last night and an early rise this morning I left to go to the gym. There I met Christel and we worked our little tail feathers off. It was great to have her there because we pushed each other. It felt good to feel that familiar burn, to feel my body crying out for what it needed. It was amazing. A quick half hour in the sauna prevented any muscle soreness and had me sharp and ready to tackle neurotreatment. Neurotreatment was interesting and I think will be a great class.
After school I was on a quest to find a teething ring for Denise's new baby Anna (we're putting together a basket for baby Anna which we're going to give to Denise tomorrow. This week is her last week before she starts mat leave). Who would have thought it was that hard to find. In the end I gave up and went to Babies R Us. I ended up finding the same teething rings as I had as a baby (except I got pink and green for Anna, I had blue and yellow). I also found an irresistible pacifier pod so I picked that up too because I thought it was a great idea! I have yet to make a little IOU for the baby blanket that I am still working on.
Anyways tonight has been laid back. I've tidied up a bit but otherwise I've been listening to Tegan and Sara and Iron and Wine. Well time to crochet a bit and then go to sleep. Full day of systemic treatment tomorrow. I am actually really looking fore ward to it!
Update on Minette: This evening we had a family talk about how we want to go about things with Minette. I stood firm with me not wanting to put her down unless she's suffering. I think some people want to rush it but I don't think I could live with myself if we put her down now or any time soon (while she's healthy). It's tough.
**Title is from Boy with a Coin from Iron and Wine. I didn't know what to name this blog post so I figured it should be the next bit of lyrics that played and these were it.**
Posted by
9:13 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Nom Nom Nom
Damn that school eats my energy! First day back and it's left me exhausted. Neuroanatomy was fine but by systemic orthopedic treatment I was done. Staying for orientation for friends for life was pretty rough (being I'd already done it I just wanted to go home). Maja wasn't at school and I don't know if she'll be back. She's not answering phone calls now nor was she during the break.
I've done nothing since I got home. I could have studied or done endless other things but I just can't get myself to. I didn't even want to blog about my dairy farming or my snow shoeing. I did however sit on the couch and cry for a bit. Not about anything in particular. Nothing to be sad about. Just needed to let my eyes leak for a while. I kinda just want to be cuddled right now.
All of this is probably just nerves about going back full time. I am going to finish this program even if it kills me.
Tonight I'm going to go to bed early and then tomorrow before class I am going to go to the gym. Hopefully that'll make neurotreatment a bit easier.
Posted the pics of my snowshoeing adventures with Pam on my smugmug account. I also posted the pics from yesterday (playing with the camera at the Aquarium with Christel).
The Canucks are currently tied with the Islanders with less then 7 minutes left to go in the game. Go Canucks Go.
Minette is now eating the wooden living room door because she's no longer allowed in the living room.
Posted by
9:02 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
I got mah baby!
Wow I what a busy few days! I want to blog about my adventure at the farm (which was great) and my adventure snowshoeing (second time around) but I am just too damn tired. Pam and I went up to Cypress today to do a little bit of snowshoeing and we ended up on the trails for about 4 and a half hours. It was a bit longer than anticipated because we took a wrong turn (which is easy to do in whiteout). We also did black diamond trails so my legs are freaking spaghetti! Took some amazing pics though so I will post those tomorrow.
Once we got down from the mountain I met up with my cousin Joey (Mum's side) and his girlfriend Christel (who's my cousin but on Dad's side) and they came over, we cooked dinner and visited for a while before they left to go to the airport to pick up one of Christel's friends. They have moved here now so we'll be seeing more of them! YAY!
I also got my Canon Rebel XTi this evening (an hour ago) so I am really excited! I now have an other toy to love! Tomorrow Christel and I are going to out and take pictures (she's a photographer and has the Canon EOS 40D... it's the big brother version of mine) so I will get to see how my new baby works.
All the while my poor baby Minette is getting sicker and sicker. She pooped 7 times around the house yesterday. 7!!! She's also hanging out in the washroom a lot (which is what she does when she's having a bad day). She's lots a lot of weight since last week and isn't eating anything except a few pieces of human food. She's even a bit cuddlier then she was a while ago.
Anyways I am going to bed... so tired. I still have a bad cough too... but I got tired of trying to get better and nothing happening. It sucks because I cough pretty much any time I inhale. That's a lot of coughing. I have a better appreciation for people who have chronic respiratory disorders.
Sleep now.
Posted by
9:09 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Petit escargot, sort de ta coquille.
Welcome to 2008. This year is going to be a great one because in December I graduate! YAY! Still a bit to go but I will make it. New years resolutions for this year? I haven't really made any because I've found that in the past I tend to break them or forget I even made them. One thing I will be doing though is pushing myself a little bit more and doing more things that I love doing.
I'm pretty good at keeping to things that are comfortable and not stepping outside of my comfort zone but I wan to push that this year. Throw caution to the wind a little. So tomorrow I am going to go work on a dairy farm. Yep it does sound a little absurd but I figure why not? I like the farm back in the Peg, I like animals (well cows being they'll be who I am going to be working with) and it's outdoors. I am actually quite excited about this though. Hopefully I won't get the cows sick. I'm still coughing a lot (too much really... but I don't think it's anything to worry about).
I also found myself a hiking/backpacking buddy. Though he is a bit more advanced then I am... maybe it'll work out. I'd like to hit more of the trails this year. We have stunning mountains in our own back yard and I think it would be a shame to let them just sit there without discovering their beauty.
Other things I've discovered this year... Great music such as Iron and Wine and Lolly Jane Blue. I've also watched so much House MD (finished second season) that I can now watch people get needles. Yeah I actually cover my eyes every time anything pierces the skin (a fear of mine...) my family finds it rather funny when they walk in, I'm watching TV but I have my eyes covered.
Well time to go have breakfast!
Posted by
8:24 AM