I'm happy. I have been for the past 2 days. For some this might be normal but these days I've been finding it hard to feel content and happy. So far I'm on a roll (yes, for me two days is a roll). When I came home from my not so good day, I was ready to fall asleep and wait until tomorrow comes along hoping it'll be a better day. But I decided to make dinner with my bro hang out with him instead. Our dinner was pretty good! The stir fry turned out to be more of a pasta dish (well a stir fry on top of pasta...) we didn't have time to cook brown rice and we didn't want to have white rice. It was fun cuz while we were cooking, we were singing along to French tunes. This isn't something that we usually do while Mum and Dad are around. It's good to just hang out with my little bro.
After that we went and did some grocery shopping. We picked up things to make curry lentil soup, vegetarian chili (I've never had chili, ever) and other yummy healthy vegetarian recipes. The came home to make 4 liters of apple sauce.
The following day (yesterday), was great... I had my first sport treatment class and Ben taught the class to salsa dance! Oh I was stoked :P And yes there was a relation to why he was teaching us this... it was as an example for classifications of sports (salsa is a type of serial skill, but a salsa step can be a discrete skill.) During break Ben and I also danced a bit. All steps that I hadn't learnt before but he taught me and he's a pretty good teacher. It's hard to dance in Vans (those are the ones I have) but it was great to do a few salsa steps anyways. It made me realize how much I miss it.
For pharmacology, we went on a field trip to Chinatown to look at all sorts of things that they use for Chinese medicine. It was pretty amazing! There was everything you could imagine there. Dried shrimp, krill, sea anemones, star fish, sea horses, ginseng sea cucumbers, lizards on a stick (I wish I had my camera for this, they were awesome... yet I kinda felt bad for the dead little lizard). Anyways though it was kinda smelly - not surprising though, dead dried things smell, it was great to see this alternative.
Yesterday I also got my mark for my neuropathology exam. I got 101%! I think that's my first 100% that I've gotten in an exam. I also got to go to the dentist, which I didn't particularly mind. It's a time where I get to lay there and take it easy. After that I hit the gym with Craig and then we went for coffee. A long day but it was fine, I was content. I noticed a change... I actually laughed a lot and smiled a lot.
So far today, I've gone to the naturopath, picked up a present for Stephy's birthday, got my passport pictures taken (and they're not that bad), filled out my passport application, had a two hour nap and am now going to start dinner. Today is my organizing/cleaning day and my a bit of homework day.
I've decided to be less anal with my school work. I've fallen behind and I am always trying to catch up... with catching up, I fall behind in what I am presently doing. A vicious cycle really. So I decided to put away the stuff for the classes that I am not in at the moment and I can take care of that before boards. It'll be great review.
Oh and the cells are precancerous... found out today. Not overly impressed but there's a cleansing and things that I can do to that might make the abnormal cells go away. The good thing is, they're only a 1 on the abnormal scale. 3 being malignant (cancerous).
Anyways it's time to start dinner. Lentil soup tonight with a little salad. Yum!